
Tutorial on how to use the libft-unit-test for the 42 Vienna Core Curriculum

How To Use libft-unit-test For The 42 Vienna Core Curriculum

The repository https://github.com/alelievr/libft-unit-test is a great resource for automatically testing and benchmarking your libft library. This tutorial should help you with installing and using these tests.

Before Installing The Tests

  1. You should already have all the required files (ft_*.c, libft.h, Makefile) in your libft directory, even if your .c files or libft.h are empty.
  2. Your Makefile to create libft.a should already be working. I am not allowed to share working code here but what your Makefile should do is:
  • Create .o files from your .c files
  • Create libft.a from those .o files.

A good resource to learn about Makefile is www.makefiletutorial.com and https://www.gnu.org/software/make/.

Installing The Tests

  1. Rename your local libft directory/repo to "libft".
  2. Change to the libft's parent directory and clone the libft-unit-test repository:
git clone https://github.com/alelievr/libft-unit-test.git

Your folder structure should now look like this:

|- libft/
|- libft-unit-tests/
  1. Edit libft/Makefile and add the following rule to the bottom:
	$(CC) -nostartfiles -fPIC $(CFLAGS) $(SRC)
	gcc -nostartfiles -shared -o libft.so $(OBJ)

Change $(CC), $(SRC) and $(OBJ) to the variable names you used for your compiler, your source and object files in your Makefile. You don't need to change $(CFLAGS) even if you haven't defined this variable.

  1. Change to the libft-unit-tests directory
  2. Complete the installation by running

Your tests should be correctly installed now!

Running The Tests

  1. Go to the libft-unit-tests directory and run
make f

You should now see your test results!

If you want to benchmark your functions against the system library run

make b

For more information on the test results visit the official documentation for libft-unit-tests: https://github.com/alelievr/libft-unit-test#usage


Write me on Discord: Francis Rafal#1334