############################# HANGMAN GAME by Franck #############################

A list of word is given to the computer, and ramdomly selected by the program, I made use of the random module. The word to guess is represented by a row of dashes. If the player guesses a letter which exists in the word, the script writes it in all its correct positions and removes the letter from the letter box. Anytime a letter is guessed, and it's wrong the program draws a part of the hangman until the full body is drawn and a message (you won / you lost) is displayed to the user. the program asks the user if they would like to play one more time just press right or left click and there you go with another word to guess. You can quit the game anytime, by closing the window. This is a pretty simple game, but cool for beginners in python especially it covers a lot of key concepts that will help you build your python skill.

########################### REQUIREMENTS #########################################

install python

install pygame

########################## TAKE THE GAME TO THE NEXT LEVEL ######################

This program can of course be edited and improved so feel free to do so