
a simple API to manage students and grades

Primary LanguagePHP

Easy School test project

a simple API to manage students and grades

How to start ?


1 - Clone the repo

$ git clone git@github.com:franck-grenier/easyschool.git
$ cd API/

2 - Install dependencies

$ symfony composer install

3 - Setup database and run migrations

$ docker-compose up -d
$ symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate

4 - Start Symfony HTTP server

$ symfony server:start -d

5 - Play with the up and running API !

I provided you with a Postman collection including examples of each available request : API/easyschool.postman_collection.json.

The API documentation is available on /api/doc.


We could go further on the exercise with more work :

  • Add an authentication (simple login/password or better OAuth) with the security component to protect the personal data of the students
  • Setup a more conventional UUID identifier on student entity
  • Add versioning to the API for future evolution needs
  • Add fixtures with test data to start faster
  • Implement unit testing