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SitemapBuilder is a rail plugin for sitemap generation. It is heavily based on Adam Salter's Sitemap Generator plugin (git://github.com/adamsalter/sitemap_generator.git).

This plugin is not a fork of Adam's plugin but a complete rewriting since the goal and the way to build sitemap is different.

Indeed, I wanted a way to build seveal sitemap for the same website depending on some paramters such as the site language (see file sitemap_example.rb).


no gem for now.

    script/plugin install git://github.com/franck/sitemap_builder.git


Create a sitemap.rb file in config/

Create a sitemap instance:

    sitemap = SitemapBuilder::Sitemap.new(
      :debug => true,
      :host => "http://localhost:3000",
      :filename => "sitemap.yml",
      :ping_search_engines => true

    sitemap.add root_path
    sitemap.add pages_path
    Page.all.each do |page|
      sitemap.add page_path(page)
    sitemap.add url_for(:controller => "articles", :action => "index", :only_path => true)
Then add the following lines for the sitemap generation and ping search engines (if set to true):


Then, fire the rake task :

    rake sitemapbuilder:create

I use whenever gem (git://github.com/javan/whenever.git) to schedule a new sitemap creation :

    every 1.week do
      rake "sitemapbuilder:create"

A complete example file is available inside the plugin root directory : sitemap_example.rb

Sitemap index

A sitemap index builder is also provided. Example of config/sitemap.rb:

sitemap_index = SitemapBuilder::SitemapIndex.new()
sitemap = SitemapBuilder::Sitemap.new()
sitemap.add root_path
sitemap_index.sitemaps << sitemap

These lines create a sitemap.xml file and a sitemap_index.xml file in the public directory.

SitemapBuilder::Sitemap accepts several options :
* debug: generate sitemap files, verbose, does not ping search engines even if set to true (default: false)
* host: base url of your website. don't forget the http:// (default: "http://localhost:3000")
* filename: sitemap name (default: "sitemap.xml")
* sitemap_folder: indicate a folder where the sitemap is located (default: "", example: "sitemaps")
* ping_search_engines: ping google, yahoo, bing and ask.com (default: false)


* test coverage
* handling lot of links and sitemap indexes

Copyright (c) 2009 Franck D'agostini, released under the MIT license