
MPI Communication benchmarks

Primary LanguageShell

MPI communication performance benchmark Forked from https://github.com/HLRA-JHPCN/comm_bench which consists of communication benchmarks between CPU/GPU/Memory.


Isolated cpu2cpu.c from original comm_bench for benchmarking communication of Vector unit/CPU/memory.


How to compile

$ cd Aurora
$ sh ./compile.sh

How to run

$ cd Aurora
$ run.sh

Executable 'cpu2cpu' outputs benchmark result to stdout.

'run.sh' runs multiple 'cpu2cpu' with 'mpirun' with multiple communication pattern in multiple burst (number of element in double array) size.

Sample output of 'run.sh' is committed as 'run_sh-201806.stdout'.

Result analysis


Redirect stdout to 'foo.log', then run perl script 'dtgen2.pl' to convert it to wide-format csv file 'commbench.csv'.

You can generate 'commbench.csv' from sample 'run_sh-2018.stdout' with following commands.

$ cd Aurora
$ dtgen2.pl run_sh-201806.stdout

Note) 'dtgen.pl' creates a separate csv file from each 'cpu2cpu' run in 'foo.log'.


'comm-graph2.R' is a sample R scripts which reads 'commbench.csv' and creates a graph 'commbench-graph.png'.

Sample 'commbench.csv' is also checked in. The R scripts can be run with 'R' command..

 $ R
 > source('comm-graph2.R')

Rstudio (Rstudio server on linux + web access) can be used instead of command line.

Note) R package 'tidyverse' and 'ggplot2' are required. Install as follows.

$ R
> install.packages("ggplot2")
> install.packages("tidyverse")

The installtion takes while.

Occasionally these installation would be failed due to missing libraries, etc. Please take a look at the error message and install them with 'yum' or 'rpm'.

Getting MPI communication profile with 'mpirun' command

Set the following envrironment variable before running 'mpirun'.


[MMM] is ether NO, YES, ALL (NO is default).

  • NO : outputs no communication inforamation (Default).
  • YES : outputh communication summary.
  • ALL : outputs extended communication infomartion.


As multiple processes are executed by mpirun, mpisep.sh isolates output of each process to different files. Please take a look at Aurora/{run.sh, mpisep.sh} for detail.

Original comm_bench

Consists benchmarks for following communication pattern:

  • MPI one to one communication
    • CPU to CPU commnication
      • core to same socket core
      • core to different socket core
      • core to different node core
    • Main memory to GPU memory
      • main memory to GPU memory in the same socket
      • main memory to GPU memory in the different socket
      • main memory to GPU memory in the different node
    • GPU memory to GPU memory
      • GPUs connected to the same CPU socket
      • GPUs connected to diffent CPU socket in the same node
      • GPUs in different nodes
  • MPI broadcast