
Forked from Version 1.0 fascia-psu.sourceforge.net, and add optimization on Xeon Phi

Primary LanguageC++


Research effort to improve the Fascia Subgraph-Counting algorithm

How to Run

  1. Git clone this repository
  2. Browse into the fascia-1.0 directory
  3. Check the Makefile (changing it if needed)
  4. Execute the following in the terminal - make clean
  5. Execute the following in the terminal - make
  6. This will create an executable file called fascia
  7. General case: ./fascia -g <graph location i.e. /home/miami.graph> -t <template location i.e. /home/template.fascia>
  8. Check out http://fascia-psu.sourceforge.net/ for more usage examples
  9. Check out run-me folder for more detailed information on how to run on Juliet/Tango