PIPER CI Vagrant Runner

Build Status Coverage Status

Runner for piper-ci-core using Vagrant.

Table of contents

Requirements (non-pipy)

  • Vagrant
  • Python >= 3.5
  • git >= 2.3.0
  • ssh


  1. Install project dependencies (non-pipy)

  2. Install project from github

    pip install git+https://github.com/francma/piper-ci-vagrant-runner.git


  1. Copy example configuration

    cp config.example.yml config.yml

  2. Edit your config to fit your needs

    vim /config.example.yml

  3. Go to vagrant.vagrant_files_home you defined in config and define images used in build

    cd [vagrant.vagrant_files_home] && mkdir ubuntu && cd ubuntu && vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64

  4. This will create Vagrantfile in [vagrant.vagrant_files_home]/ubuntu that will be available as image: ubuntu in .piper.yml build config file

  5. In order to have repository inside your vagrant box, you must add it as synced folder to your Vagrantfile (example in /tests/vagrant-files/ubuntu/Vagrantfile)

    config.vm.synced_folder ENV['PIPER_REPOSITORY_PATH'], "/piper"


piper-vagrant [path to your config file]

Developer guide

Setup Python environment

  1. Install Python virtual environment (via pip or your distribution package manager)

    pip3 install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper

  2. Create new virtual environment named piper-vagrant

    mkvirtualenv piper-vagrant

  3. Install project

  4. Install dev dependencies

    pip install -e ".[dev]"

  5. Deactivate virtualenv


  6. Activate virtualenv

    workon piper-vagrant


Run tests in tests/ directory:

pytest or tox -e py

Check PEP8:

flake8 or tox -e pep8

Check types:

mypy piper_vagrant/run.py or tox -e mypy

Run for specific python version:

tox -e py35-mypy or tox -e py36

Run all:
