
Arduino library for read values easily from potentiometers

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

MagicPot: An Arduino Library for Reading Potentiometer Values


MagicPot is an Arduino library that provides a simple and straightforward way to read the values of potentiometers. It is designed to work with any microcontroller board that has an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), including both Arduino and ESP boards.


  • Compatible with both 10-bit and 12-bit resolution ADC
  • Supports any potentiometer-based input device
  • Easy to use and integrate into any project
  • Supports callback functions for real-time updates
  • Includes example sketches to help you get started quickly

MagicPot is highly customizable, allowing you to tailor it to your specific needs. With its support for both 10-bit and 12-bit resolution ADC, you can easily configure MagicPot to work with your particular input device. Additionally, you can adjust the sensitivity of the potentiometer readings and map the values to suit your project's requirements. The library is designed to be user-friendly, with straightforward functions that are easy to integrate into any project, whether you're working on a hobby project or a commercial application.

If you're new to MagicPot, the included example sketches will help you get started quickly and easily.


We recommend using the latest version of the MagicPot library. The easiest way to install it is by using the Arduino Library Manager. However, you can also install it manually by downloading it from the releases page.

Using Arduino IDE and Arduino Library Manager

Follow these steps to install MagicPot using the Arduino Library Manager:

  1. Open the Arduino IDE.
  2. From the menu, go to Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries...
  3. In the Library Manager search bar, type "MagicPot".
  4. Click on the MagicPot library to open its details page.
  5. Check that the installed version is the latest. If not, click the "Update" button to install the latest version.
  6. Click the "Install" button to install the library.

Manual Installation

Follow these steps to install MagicPot manually:

  1. Download the MagicPot library from the releases page.
  2. Extract the library to your Arduino or ESP's libraries folder. The location of this folder depends on your operating system:
    • Windows: Documents/Arduino/libraries/
    • MacOS: Documents/Arduino/libraries/
    • Linux: ~/Arduino/libraries/
  3. Restart the Arduino IDE or ESP platform if it was running during installation.

After Installation

Once the installation is complete, you can include the MagicPot library in your sketch by adding the following line at the top of your code:

#include <MagicPot.h>

This will allow you to access the MagicPot functions and use them in your project. If you're using the Arduino IDE, you can find examples of how to use the library in the File -> Examples -> MagicPot menu. If you're not using the Arduino IDE, you can find the examples in the examples folder of the MagicPot library directory. These examples demonstrate how to read potentiometer values and use the library's features in your own projects.


Create an instance

As first step to use the library, you have to create a new instance of MagicPot.

#include <MagicPot.h>


MagicPot potentiometer(POTENTIOMETER_PIN);
Argument Data type Description
pin uint8_t Potentiometer input pin.
minRead uint16_t [Optional] Min mapped value. Default is 0.
maxRead uint16_t [Optional] Max mapped value. Default is MAX_RAW_VALUE_DEFAULT.
maxRawRead uint16_t [Optional] Reference to max readable value. Default is MAX_RAW_VALUE_DEFAULT, and it corresponds to 10 bits resolution boards. You may need to change that, as it is shown on this example.

Initialize potentiometer

You have to initialize the potentiometer with the begin method. This usually happen within the setup function.

void setup()

Update potentiometer value

You have to update the potentiometer value with the read method. Is recommended to do this within the loop function. The read method could receive a sensitivity parameter, You may have a noisy potentiometer, in order to prevent inconsistent value updates.

void loop()
    // Or with sensitivity
Argument Data type Description
sensitivity uint8_t [Optional] Potentiometer sensitivity. This value is going to be applied over mapped reading. Default is 0.

Value change callback

You could set up a function to be executed whenever the potentiometer change. The callback function should be setted on setup function, as is shown on this example. The use of change callback is optional.

#include <MagicPot.h>


MagicPot potentiometer(POTENTIOMETER_PIN);

void setup()

void loop()

void onPotentiometerChange()
    // Potentiometer value changed!
Argument Data type Description
onChangeCallback callback_fn Function to be executed when potentiometer value change.
emitEvent bool [Optional] Emit change event when change callback is setted up. Default value is true.

Reading potentiometer values

MagicPot retains both raw reads and mapped reads. You can access them using getValue and getRawValue methods whenever you need to. Both returns a number of type uint16_t.

void loop()

    int value = potentiometer.getValue();

Complete list of methods

Method Description
MagicPot(uint8_t pin, uint16_t minRead = 0, uint16_t maxRead = MAX_RAW_VALUE_DEFAULT, uint16_t maxRawRead = MAX_RAW_VALUE_DEFAULT) Constructor for the MagicPot class. Initializes a new instance of the MagicPot class with the specified pin, minimum read value, maximum read value, and maximum raw read value.
begin() Initializes the library. This method must be called before using any other method.
onChange(callback_fn onChangeCallback, bool emitEvent = true) Sets the callback function to be called when the value of the potentiometer changes. The second parameter, emitEvent, controls whether the callback is called immediately after setting it or only when the potentiometer value changes.
read(uint8_t sensitivity = 0) Reads the value of the potentiometer and maps it to the range specified by minRead and maxRead. The sensitivity parameter adjusts the sensitivity of the potentiometer.
getValue() Returns the current value of the potentiometer, scaled to the range specified by minRead and maxRead.
getRawValue() Returns the current raw value of the potentiometer, which is between 0 and the maximum raw value (either 1023 or 4095, depending on the resolution of the ADC).


The library also provides the following constants:

Constant Value Description
MAGIC_POT_MAX_RAW_VALUE_10B 1023 The maximum raw value for a 10-bit ADC.
MAGIC_POT_MAX_RAW_VALUE_12B 4095 The maximum raw value for a 12-bit ADC.
MAX_RAW_VALUE_DEFAULT MAGIC_POT_MAX_RAW_VALUE_10B The default maximum raw value.

Too know more about boards resolution works, please visit Arduino Analog Read Documentation.

Examples sketches

Raw reading

Map reading

Map reading (ESP32 / 12 bits boards)

Map reading with callback


MIT © Franco Basaglia