
powerfull recordset class, supporting sorting, filtering, subsets, loading data from json, array and html markup

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A powerfull dataset class


  • load data from array, json or html markup
  • sort per multiple columns
  • complex filters (text, numerical and RegExp)
  • define your own filters
  • filter per multiple columns
  • pagination
  • framework agnostic (except for the html markup loader that uses jQuery)
  • Unit Tested

data-set has 3 main components, the core, the filters and the data loaders. Filters and data loaders are optional and don't need to be included

Getting Started

  1. npm install javascript-data-set or download the latest version

  2. include either dist/data-set-complete.min.js

  3. use it ...

Example Usage

Take a look at our jsfiddle page and play with it

Data Loader

The data loader is actually a factory that will return a properly configured and populated dataset


The json loader can load data from a Json object or string. I will configure the dataset columns based on the object properties The Json should contain an array of objects

var dataset, data;
data = [ { col1: 1, col2: 2 }, { col1: 3, col2: 4 } ];
dataset = new Francodacosta.DataSet.Loader.Json(JSON.stringify(data)).load();


The json loader can load data from an array. Optionally you can specify if the first row contains column information The array array should contain one array per row,

var d, data, firstRowHeaders;
data = [['col1', 'col2'], [1, 2], [3, 4]];
dataset = new Francodacosta.DataSet.Loader.Array(data, firstRowHeaders = true).load();
// in this case the first row (['col1', 'col2']) will be discarded and used as column names


This will load data from an HTML table

                <!-- it data-name attribute is present, then it will be used for the column name -->
                <th data-name="col1">Column 1</th>

You can load data from this table in the following way

// Please note that this loader requires jQuery
dataset = new window.Francodacosta.DataSet.Loader.Markup('table').load();


You can sort by any column and you can specify multiple columns

// sort colum 1 ascending and then by column 2 descending
dataset.setSorting('column 1');
dataset.setSorting('column 2', 'DESC');

// remove all sorting specifications

data = dataset.getData()


A filter is just a function that accepts two arguments, the value and the searchTerm and returns true if a match is found

The filter is executed for each row

For your convenience a set of standard filters are included

Text Filter


  • match() returns true if there is an exact match
  • beginsWith() returns true if the value starts with searchTerm
  • endsWith() returns true if the value ends with searchTerm
  • contains returns true if the value contains searchTerm
  • regularExpression if you need more flexibility you can write your own regular expression
Number Filter


  • equal()
  • notEqual()
  • greaterThan()
  • greaterThanOrEqualTo()
  • lessThan()
  • lessThanOrEqualTo()

You can add more than one filter, in this case an and search will be performed