This project was developed with React and it is a score board
Then run the commands:
cd src
yarn install
yarn start
And VOILÀ ! you're running your own score board for three matches :)
It's really simple: You have three matches, each one works individually. To increase, decrease or reset (go to zero) you just move your mouse to the points and the buttons came up. When the firts team gets the match score the game is finished and a beatiful mutting color window over the match appers showing us THE WINNER, and a button to reaload the game.
A few options : in the upper right corner in each match you'll find two buttons:
Time 5 minutes for practice, with play, pause and stop/reset buttons.
Configuration : where you can modify team names and the maximal match score. Two buttons are provided, one to save the new data and other to reset data by default.
If you find something wrong or something is not working, please just let me know.
PS: in src/App.js you can add more matches if you wish :)
- Space Bar: Start/Reset Timer
- R: Restart Time
- Q: +1 Point to Team 1 - Local
- S: -1 Pont to Team 1 - Local
- P: +1 Point to Team 2 - Visitante
- L: -1 Pont to Team 2 -Visitante
- X: Restart Score