
Go web application. A total change of wetalk, objective is to make a generic package to easily create a skeleton of a beego website.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Important to CLONE first

Do not edit this code directly, after installing it use the clone tool (clonebeegowebapp) as described in "Quick Start" below to get you up and running.

What is this?

An open source project to create a skeleton of a Beego website.

The aim is to have all the basics of a website, like User registration, login, password reset, etc. It will also include clientside libraries like AngularJS and Bootstrap.

This package was initially forked from wetalk and stripped down to give a basic web application.

Included in this package

The stripped down version includes the following features:

  1. Authentication (register, activate email, reset password, login, XSRF, etc)
  2. Admin side to manage the registered users
  3. Migration (makes use Beego/orm syncdb) to do migration and create log files
  4. Localization using i18n
  5. Two config files, one with general settings (like app name) and the other with machine specific settings (like runmode, http_port, etc)
  6. Compression of static files (like css, js, etc)
  7. MVC pattern is used which is part of Beego splits our code up into Routers (controllers), Models and Views
  8. We make use of a Master view (in views/master.html) to define the default layout of the site, {{.LayoutContent}} defines where the other templates are rendered
  9. Making use of Beego also gives us the ORM capability

We have also included the following libraries into the design (they are laid out in the conf/compress.json file):

  1. AngularJS, created by Google and is the missing link between HTML and Javascript
  2. Bootstrap, created by Twitter and is a front-end framework
  3. jQuery, do we really need to say what jQuery is?
  4. SASS, a CSS-precompiler


  1. Dependencies to be installed

    go get github.com/astaxie/beego
    go get github.com/astaxie/bee
    go get github.com/Unknwon/goconfig
    go get github.com/beego/i18n
    go get github.com/howeyc/fsnotify
    go get github.com/beego/compress
    go get github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
    go get github.com/francoishill/runsass
    go get github.com/francoishill/beegowebapp
  2. Now install the cloning tool

    cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/francoishill/beegowebapp
  3. Additional (non-default) packages that can be used by this application/beego:

    1. memcache: https://github.com/youtube/vitess
    2. redis: github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis
    3. x2jXML: github.com/clbanning/x2j
    4. goyaml2: github.com/wendal/goyaml2
    5. postgres: github.com/lib/pq
    6. sqlite3: github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3
    7. websockets: github.com/garyburd/go-websocket/websocket

Quick Start

  1. Generate your first web app (based on the Beego framework)

    cd /temp
    clonebeegowebapp blank --foldername="myfirstapp"
  2. Important changes required in file app_general.ini found in the conf folder.

    app_name = My Web Application
    author_firstname = Francois
    author_surname = Hill
    session_path = sess_db_username:sess_db_password@/sess_db_name?charset=utf8
    session_name = myapp_session
    mail_user = Myapp Mailer
    mail_from = admin@myapp.com
    secret_key = 1234abc890def567
    data_source = main_db_username:main_db_password@/main_db_name?charset=utf8
  3. Have a look at the file app_machine_specific.ini too.

  4. Change the following in localization files (conf/locale_....ini)

    AF =
    EN-US =
    app_name =
    app_intro =
    app_desc =
    app_keywords =
    app_welcome_message =
    app_brand =
    app_copyright =
    slogan =
    app_meta_author_firstname =
    app_meta_author_surname =

    Note: the values of AF and EN-US are what will be displayed to the user when choosing languages. To create another language just add a new .ini file in the conf folder with its localization key and add its display value to each localization .ini file.

    For instance to add chinese create a file named locale_zh-CN.ini. Then add zh-CN = Chinese to each localization .ini file, including locale_zh-CN.ini itsself.

  5. If you configured mysql to be the session provider, create its required table with the following SQL:

    CREATE TABLE `session` (
        `session_key` char(64) NOT NULL,
        `session_data` blob,
        `session_expiry` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (`session_key`)
  6. Run the migration to generate the required tables.

    Run the script db/migrate_windows.bat (or db/migrate_linux.sh if on linux) to create all the tables for models registerd with orm.RegisterModel. By default this will be like the User model.

    This migration status will be logged into a timestamped file inside db/migrations/windows or db/migrations/linux.

    Double check this log to ensure everything ran smoothly.

Running on another machine

To run as a stand-alone web server on another machine you will only need 1. a database and 2. to copy the following files/folders:

  1. conf
  2. static
  3. static_source
  5. ??.exe (your applications' executable, on windows it will have the extension .exe)

Portable MySql tools (windows only)


Please feel free to contribute or to contact me.


The MIT License (MIT).