- 6
L'open-source, du bluff ?
#38 opened by keyvanestermann - 0
2 problemes majeurs
#40 opened by flolep2607 - 3
- 0
Candidat manquant : Anasse Kazib
#41 opened by Pamplemousse - 0
Taubira ajoutée mais propositions non proposées
#39 opened by esialam - 1
Filtre sur les propositions
#29 opened by StephaneBranly - 4
Ne pas embarquer d'aussi grosses images
#22 opened by pylapp - 3
Pas de mode hors-ligne
#23 opened by pylapp - 1
- 4
Où sont sauvegardées les propositions ?
#31 opened by AlexisPister - 1
Binary decision trees ala Akinator
#37 opened by jfrery - 0
Missing GraphQL Schema
#7 opened by keyvanestermann - 1
Les chiffres sont incohérents
#34 opened by esialam - 1
Open the sources of the back office
#18 opened by remimomprive - 5
Publish application on F-Droid
#12 opened by yannjor - 3
- 1
Principe de neutralité
#30 opened by NicolasD27 - 1
Refaire toute l'accessibilité de l'application
#19 opened by pylapp - 1
Algorithme de classement
#28 opened by StephaneBranly - 1
Rectify a swipe
#14 opened by JulesMichael - 3
Structuring contributions
#16 opened by guillemfondin - 0
Ajouter un peu de CI/CD
#27 opened by apomalyn - 7
Add License
#1 opened by DavidLibeau - 3
Licence appliquée au projet
#20 opened by pylapp - 1
Sometimes our answers disappear on the app
#25 opened by ImAARIX - 3
Share only the top 3
#13 opened by JulesMichael - 1
Add .gitignore
#15 opened by ponceto - 0
EsLint + Prettier
#6 opened by CamTosh - 0
[UI/UX] Change confusing "+" icons
#4 opened by NicolasBrondin - 0
Use GQL Operation with variables
#3 opened by CamTosh