This role challenges orientdb management automation. For now, it handles installation from website tarballs. With default values, you can access OrientDB Studio on http://localhost:2480 with credentials root / root
Install it with ansible-galaxy install migibert.orientdb
OrientDB is written in Java and needs a JVM for running. This role does not cover this installation and consider as a prerequisite a JVM presence and a defined $JAVA_HOME environment variable. Distributed mode relies on Hazelcast which needs Java 8.
Take a look at default variables to have an idea of a complete configuration.
orientdb_autoback_delay: Delay time for auto backups. Default is 4h.
orientdb_autoback: Enables auto backup. Default is False.
orientdb_autoback_start: Start time for auto backup. Default is 23:00:00.
orientdb_version: OrientDB server version. Default value is 2.0.1.
orientdb_user: System user, OrientDB directories owner. Default value is orientdb.
orientdb_user_password: Hashed value of orientdb_user password. Default value is hashed 'orientdb' : $6$Ls2PCtO6PLby08$Hkh36Sn2V112FSexIHM25dHpnU2P1TflCQbj./e6kf3Pd.25s41uZu9dkeZSU7Ixy4fq.U8PSd6/FzjmSz3An/
orientdb_dir: Installation directory. Default is /opt
orientdb_path: Installation path, used by server scripts for $ORIENTDB_HOME definition. Default value is '{{orientdb_dir}}/orientdb-community-{{orientdb_version}}'
orientdb_log_dir: Log directory for orientdb server.
orientdb_bind_ip: Server ip to bind. Default value is
orientdb_enable_binary: Enables binary communication with server. Default value is True
orientdb_binary_port_range: Port range associated to binary communication. Default value is 2424-2430
orientdb_enable_ssl: Enables ssl communication with server. Default value is False
orientdb_ssl_port_range: Port range associated to ssl communication. Default value is 2434-2440
orientdb_enable_http: Enables http communication with server. Default value is True
orientdb_http_port_range: Port range associated to http communication. Default value is 2480-2490
orientdb_users: Database users that can access all resources. Default value is { name: root, password: root }
orientdb_force_install: If it is set to True, the installation will be forced even if orientdb is already installed in the specified directory
This role has no dependencies as it consider a JVM is already present on the target server.
With all default values
- hosts: servers
- { role: migibert.orientdb }
With all default values override and no tuning options
- hosts: all
orientdb_autoback_delay: 4h.
orientdb_autoback: False
orientdb_autoback_start: 23:00:00
orientdb_version: 2.0.1
orientdb_user: orientdb
orientdb_user_password: $6$Ls2PCtO6PLby08$Hkh36Sn2V112FSexIHM25dHpnU2P1TflCQbj./e6kf3Pd.25s41uZu9dkeZSU7Ixy4fq.U8PSd6/FzjmSz3An/
orientdb_dir: /opt
orientdb_log_dir: /var/log/orientdb
orientdb_enable_binary: True
orientdb_binary_port_range: 2424-2430
orientdb_enable_ssl: False
orientdb_ssl_port_range: 2434-2440
orientdb_enable_http: True
orientdb_http_port_range: 2480-2490
- { name: admin, password: admin }
- { name: root, password: root }
- { role: orientdb-role }
With total customization. You do not need to set all these variables, those you do not define keep their default values. If you need a lot of variables definitions, I highly suggest you to define them outside the playbook.
- hosts: all
orientdb_version: 2.0.1
orientdb_user: orientdb
orientdb_user_password: $6$Ls2PCtO6PLby08$Hkh36Sn2V112FSexIHM25dHpnU2P1TflCQbj./e6kf3Pd.25s41uZu9dkeZSU7Ixy4fq.U8PSd6/FzjmSz3An/
orientdb_dir: /opt
orientdb_path: '{{orientdb_dir}}/orientdb-community-{{orientdb_version}}'
orientdb_log_d : /var/log/orientdb
orientdb_enable_binary: True
orientdb_binary_port_range: 2424-2430
orientdb_enable_ssl: False
orientdb_ssl_port_range: 2434-2440
orientdb_enable_http: True
orientdb_http_port_range: 2480-2490
- name: root
password: root
- name: blueprints.graph.txMode
value: 0
- name: environment.dumpCfgAtStartup
value: false
- name: environment.concurrent
value: true
- name: cache.leve1.enabled
value: false
- name: cache.level1.size
value: 0
- name: cache.leve2.enabled
value: false
- name: cache.level2.size
value: 0
- name:
value: 1
- name:
value: 5
- name: db_pool_min
value: 1
- name: db.pool.max
value: 50
- name: db.mvcc
value: true
- name: distributed.async.timeDelay
value: 0
- name: distributed.sync.maxRecordsBuffer
value: 100
- name: file.lock
value: false
- name: file.defrag.strategy
value: 0
- name: file.defrag.holeMaxDistance
value: 32768
- name: file.mmap.useOldManager
value: false
- name: file.mmap.lockMemory
value: true
- name: file.mmap.strategy
value: 0
- name: file.mmap.blockSize
value: 1048576
- name: file.mmap.bufferSize
value: 8192
- name: file.mmap.maxMemory
value: 134Mb
- name: file.mmap.overlapStrategy
value: 2
- name: file.mmap.forceDelay
value: 500
- name: file.mmap.forceRetry
value: 20
- name:
value: true
- name: jna.disable.system.library
value: true
- name: lazyset.workOnStream
value: false
- name: log.console.level
value: info
- name: log.file.level
value: fine
- name: memory.optimizeTreshold
value: 0.85
- name: mvrbtree.lazyUpdates
value: 1
- name: mvrbtree.nodePageSize
value: 128
- name: mvrbtree.loadFactor
value: 0.7f
- name: mvrbtree.optimizeTreshold
value: 100000
- name: mvrbtree.entryPoints
value: 16
- name: mvrbtree.entryPointsFactor
value: 1.0f
- name: mvrbtree.ridBinaryTreshold
value: 8
- name: mvrbtree.ridNodePageSize
value: 16
- name: mvrbtree.ridNodeSaveMemory
value: false
- name: nonTX.recordUpdate.synch
value: false
- name: network.socketBufferSize
value: 32768
- name: network.lockTimeout
value: 15000
- name: network.socketTimeout
value: 10000
- name: network.retry
value: 5
- name: network.retryDelay
value: 500
- name: network.binary.maxLength
value: 100000
- name: network.binary.readResponse_max_time
value: 30
- name: network.binary.debug
value: false
- name: network.http.maxLength
value: 100000
- name: network.http.charset
value: utf-8
- name: network.http.sessionExpireTimeout
value: 300
- name: object.saveOnlyDirty
value: false
- name: profiler.enabled
value: true
- name: profiler.autoDump.interval
value: 0
- name: profiler.autoDump.reset
value: true
- name: profiler.config
value: null
- name:
value: 5000
- name: server.log.dumpClientExceptionLevel
value: FINE
- name: server.log.dumpClientExceptionFullStackTrace
value: false
- name: server.cache.staticFile
value: false
- name: storage.keepOpen
value: true
- name: storage.record.lockTimeout
value: 5000
- name: tx.useLog
value: true
- name: tx.log_fileType
value: classic
- name: tx.log.synch
value: false
- name: tx.commit.synch
value: true
- role: migibert.orientdb
Set orientdb_enable_distributed
to true
to enable distributed mode. Under orientdb_distributed
you can either enable multicast or use tcp for discovery. If using tcp then you need to specify at least one node in tcp_members
orientdb_enable_distributed: true
hazelcast_group: orientdb
hazelcast_password: orientdb
multicast_enabled: False
multicast_port: 2434
tcp_enabled: False
tcp_members: []
Under test/vagrant, you will find the following files:
- Vagrantfile which creates two machines without any provisioning
- inventory with those two machines ips and convenient variables for simplifying tests
- provision-multicast.yml which installs orientdb in distributed mode with a multicast discovery setting
- provision-tcp.yml which installs orientdb in distributed mode with a known peers discovery setting
- Requirements: VirtualBox, Ruby and Bundler (gem install bundle)
- Run
bundle install
this will install all test dependencies from Gemfile - To test:
bundle exec kitchen test
You can play with the following commands:
vagrant up && ansible-playbook -i inventory provision-multicast.yml
vagrant up && ansible-playbook -i inventory provision-tcp.yml
- the two discovery modes multicast and tcp are not compatible so choose one at time ;)
- tests are manual at the moment but will be automated as soon as possible
Mikaël Gibert, Developer / Devops