UI component library for Camomile.
Camomile UI is a front end application only and requires a connection to a Camomile API server.
To start using this library, choose either:
# Install dependencies.
npm install
# Serve with hot reload at localhost:8080 (with Webpack).
npm run dev
# Build for production with minification (with Rollup).
npm run build
# Run tests (with Jest and vue-test-utils).
npm run test
For development purposes, you can create a local Camomile API server.
Create one additional camomile-data
folder next to this one, resulting in the
following structure:
+-- camomile-ui
+-- camomile-server
+-- camomile-data
+-- mongodb
+-- files
+-- camomile
+-- logs
+-- media
+-- upload
Start the server (from the camomile-ui directory):
export CMML_DB=../camomile-data/mongodb/files && export CMML_LOGS=../camomile-data/camomile/logs && export CMML_MEDIA=../camomile-data/media && export CMML_UPLOAD=../camomile-data/upload && export CMML_PORT=3000 && export CMML_PASSWORD=roO7p4s5wOrD && docker-compose -f ../camomile-server/docker-compose.dev.yml up --build -d
See contributing.md
for further infos.
- Hervé Bredin, LIMSI, CNRS