Open-ED is a very simple and cheap open source Genesis/Megadrive cartridge. The cartridge does not have its own processor or FPGA, it is built in the old school style using only memory and discrete logic. Cartridge design uses an absolute minimum of inexpensive components. Supported mappers: ROM_4M Most games work in this mode ROM_2M+RAM Some games with battery ram ROM_4M+RAM Beyond Oasis, Sonic-3 etc Content description: fabrication: pcb gerber files, bill of materials, menu binary menu: menu sources pcb_src: pcb sources schematic: cartridge schematics flashkit-md.exe: flaskit software v1.0.0.1 open-ed.v: cartridge design in verilog open-ed-mapper: cartridge mapper description flashkit_mod.jpg: FlashKit mod required for open-ed programming open-ed.jpg: cartridge photo Menu programming should be burned to the upper bank of flash memory (0x400000-0x40FFFF) Menu can be programmed to the flash chip using any flash programmer or FlashKit. FlashKit can program menu onboard (flashkit-md v1.0.0.1 required) FlashKit have to be modified: 10k pullup to the cart pin B27(/VRES)