Data visualization: Exploring data through visual representations. First step to be a data scientist. Read more how to start in Data Science.
In this folder I learned to generate data sets and create visualization of that data.
There are three folders more that I will explain it.
The folder plot_a_line_graph:
- I created simple plots with Matplotlib.
- Contain two python scripts.
The folder random_walks:
- I used a scatter plot to explore random walks.
- Contain two python files.
- is a class that I used to generate data for a random walks.
- is a script that I used Matplotlib to create a visually appealing representation of data genereted in random walk.
The folder rolling_dice_with_Plotly:
- I created a histogram with Plotly and used it to explore the results of rolling dice of different sizes.
- Contain two python files.
- die. py is a class that it represent a simple die.
- is a script to create a visually histogram.
In this folder I learned to work with different data sets extensions, csv and json There are two folders with python scripts to work with csv and json files.
The folder working_with_csv_files: I worked with data sets of different cities temperatures of the world and I plotted it. It contain some python scripts and one folder with data sets.
The folder working_with_json_files: I worked with data sets of earthquakes of the word and their Ritcher degree. It contain some python scripts and one folder with data sets.