Instructor: Dan Wellman

A design pattern is a proven solution to a common software problem. Patterns codify good design principles and facilitate maintainable code that can be worked on by teams. Design patterns are also a way for teams to communicate about the structure and architecture of an application. Patterns are a language that can be used to convey ideas and facilitate discussions.

In this course, Tuts+ instructor Dan Wellman will cover some of the most common and most useful design patterns used in JavaScript. Each pattern will be demonstrated with a standalone example bundled in a JavaScript module.

Source Files Description

This repository contains an example of each of the design patterns discussed in the course.

  1. Clone repository to your machine git clone

  2. Run Bower install bower install

  3. Open index.html in your browser and open the browser's console

  4. Use the global runExample() method to run one of the examples runExample('factory')

Valid example names (to be passed as a string to the runExample() function) are:

  • factory
  • pubsub
  • strategy
  • observer
  • cor
  • mediator
  • iterator
  • facade
  • decorator
  • adapter
  • composite
  • proxy

These are source files for the Tuts+ course: Put JavaScript Design Patterns Into Practice

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