
[BUGS: MenuIcons] 1. Add a Symbol (file needs saving) Doesn't Always Display + 2. Symbol Change Adds Another 3. Unicode Issue

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To reproduce:

  • Set the option to display a symbol (it would be nice if this could be more than 1 one character or in fact an icon)
  • Modify a file (the symbol should now be displayed)
  • Rename the file (in npp)
  • BUG: Symbol no longer displays
  • Use Esc to exit npp (it does without prompting, is this an npp bug?)
  • Restart npp, the symbol is now displayed BUT: MenuIcons is possibly not displaying it... Some part of npp things it is part of the filename and saving doesn't remove it. Actually further test implies this is a second MenuIcons bug and each time you change the symbol (while file unsaved) it forgets the current one is there and adds another to the front,.

Possibly 3rd bug: I realised when typing the above that I could add my own "icon" by unicode, that works for some but wider character such as '💥' are ignored, and in any case they don't display in color when they are.

Oh well, unicode works until you restart npp....

Please see the new version for

  • increased the number of characters for the symbol
  • If you save MenuIcon.ini as UTF-16, the you can save/use Unicode symbols, alas without colors since the tab text is monochrome
  • fixed the issue with the the rename

Thanks, I can confirm the rename issue is fixed.

I have updated npp to latest version 8.4.8, it is still saving the ini file as "UTF-8"!

All attempts to change "%appdata%\Notepad++\plugins\config\menuicons.ini" then restart npp have failed, I tried "UTF-16 LE" & "UTF-16 BE". When it fails it uses my previous "UTF-8" config so that is stored somewhere else? This is before attempting UNICODE symbols...

I have got it to work (the original unicode value mentioned above and single characters, "space+char" doesn't work):

  1. Close npp
  2. open notepad (not npp)
  3. save the file as "UTF-16 LE" (BE seems to fail horribly)
  4. Restart npp
  5. Make plugin changes
  6. Exit npp (that is when the plugin ini is updated)
  7. The file remains as "UTF-16 LE"

Thanks, I will try "_" again, I tried it while struggling before but I'll try it again :-)

Wouldn't it now be better if the plugin saved the file as UTF-16? It does now if it is already in that format. If it is UTF-8 it could "upgrade" it to "UTF-16?