
Command Line Interface (CLI) for Firebase Admin Management :fire:

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Firetool CLI

Firetool is a Command Line Interface (CLI) that allows you to do everything you can't do with Firebase Web Console. Ok, not everything... But a lot of those ;)

example firetool


Node Package

You can easily download and install the Firetool CLI using npm (the Node Package Manager).

npm install -g firetool

This will provide you with the globally accessible firetool command.

Note that you will need to install Node.js and npm. Installing Node.js should install npm as well.


To authenticate a service account and authorize it to access Firebase services, you must provide a private key1 through:

firetool init

this will prompt you for the Firebase Database Name and your Private Key.

1To generate a private key file for your service account:

  1. In the Firebase console, open Settings > Service Accounts.

  2. Click Generate New Private Key, then confirm by clicking Generate Key.

  3. Securely store the JSON file containing the key.

See https://firebase.google.com/docs/admin/setup#initialize-sdk


You can list the avalaible commands running firetool --help or firetool <command> --help for more details.

Command Description
init Init Firebase Tools.
user Tools for Firebase Authentication admin tools.
help Display help for [cmd]

User/Authenticacion commands

This commands allow you to managing your Firebase Authentication users with elevated privileges.

Command Description
user list [uid] Retrieves a list of user(s).
user create [options] Create a new Firebase Authentication user.
user update [options] <uid> Updates an existing user by their uid.
user delete <uid> Delete a existing user by their uid.
user validate-email <uid> Validates email to existing user. Shorthand to user update <uid> --emailVerified.
user claims <uid> [options] Configure custom claims to existing user.

[options] params are the same properties provides by the API for managing Firebase Authentication. See https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/admin/manage-users.

For example:

  • firetool user update --emailVerified jcIT3i4hFNSqmgxABFxH1sVxc1M2 validate user email.
  • firetool user update --displayName "Franco Stramana" jcIT3i4hFNSqmgxABFxH1sVxc1M2 change the display name for the user.
  • firetool user update --password 123456 --disabled false jcIT3i4hFNSqmgxABFxH1sVxc1M2 enabled user and change their password.


  • firetool user claims jcIT3i4hFNSqmgxABFxH1sVxc1M2 --set admin=true set admin token custom claims.
  • firetool user claims jcIT3i4hFNSqmgxABFxH1sVxc1M2 --removeAll remove all custom claims.


This project was born as a personal tool that I decided to share. It will grow as I need more features for my personal projects. Because of this, any contribution is welcome ;)

Made with Node and Love! (and of course, a few dependencies)