
Automated solution for parsing PDF files using Amazon Textract. Complete solution with CloudFormation template, Step Function State Machine, Lambda functions, etc.

Primary LanguagePython

Textract with Step Function and Cloud Formation

This is a complete setup for automatic text extraction from PDF / JPEG / PNG files using Amazon Textract.


Check out this repository and run the included deploy.sh script.

It will create a new S3 bucket and the use CloudFormation template to build the required resources.

$ ./deploy.sh
[*] Verifying deployment settings...
[x] Stack name: textract-demo
[x] Region: us-west-2
[x] Account ID: 123456789012
[x] Deployment bucket: textract-demo-123456789012-us-west-2

Press [Enter] to continue or Ctrl-C to abort.

When done follow these steps to test that it works:

  1. Upload your test PDF to the /upload folder in the newly created S3 bucket.

  2. Open the Step Function page to follow the progress

  3. When done download the results from the /output folder in the bucket.


Michael Ludvig