Tensor Flow Playgrounds in Various Virtual Environments

Docker Repository on Quay Docker Repository on Quay Docker Repository on Quay


  Here are some lessons learned and working approaches after many trials-and-errors to build tensor flow experiment virtual environments on Mac OSX. The built playgrounds should be able to experiment with various input / output interactively. Many online articles and FAQs are actually not working correctly, at least on my MacBook. 
  Two kinds of virtual environments are verified, 
    (1) python virtual environment
    (2) docker/container
  This one covers two specific parts:
    (1) a tensorflow container with novnc, so that X11 GUI is accessible via browser. 
    (2) a tensorflow container with ffmpeg, so that matplotlib animation could embed on Jupyter notebook. 
  Appendix section contains other verified working alternatives.  

Setup the container with X11 GUI on browser

    docker pull quay.io/draft/tensorflow-novnc
    docker run -v $PWD:/source -d -p 8080:8080 quay.io/draft/tensorflow-novnc
    open http://localhost:8080/vnc.html

    // It might be easier to experiment with CLI and see the output figures on browser altogether
    docker exec -it <tensorflow-novnc container id> bash

Setup the container with matplotlib animation on Jupyter notebook

    docker pull quay.io/draft/tensorflow-ffmpeg
    docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -v ${PWD}:/source --rm quay.io/draft/tensorflow-ffmpeg
    // remember to add followings to embed matplotlib animations
        (1) %matplotlib inline
        (2) from matplotlib import rc
        (3) from IPython.display import HTML
        (4) rc('animation', html='html5') 
        (5) type <your_animation_variable> in a new cell // it will show the embedded animation video

        Note: refer to
        (1) http://louistiao.me/posts/notebooks/embedding-matplotlib-animations-in-jupyter-notebooks/
        (2) http://louistiao.me/posts/notebooks/save-matplotlib-animations-as-gifs/   


1. Python virutal environment

(1) install specific python version:
    brew update
    brew install pyenv 
    brew install pyenv-virtualenv
    pyenv install 3.5.2  // install Python 3.5.2
(2) create a virtual environment and activate it:
    eval "$(pyenv init -)" // add this line to ~/.bash_profile if needed
    pyenv virtualenv 3.5.2 tf-py352  // create virtual environment (tf-py352) with Python 3.5.2
    pyenv activate tf-py352 // activate tf-py352 virtual environment
    Related commands:
    pyenv deactivate <virtual-env> // deactivate specified virtual environment
    pyenv uninstall <virtual-env> // delete specified virtual environment
    pyenv versions // list installed python versions
    pyenv virtualenvs // list created virtual environments

(3) install libraries/modules within virtual environment:
	brew install freetype   // prerequisite of matplotlib
    pip install numpy matplotlib ipython jupyter
    export TF_BINARY_URL=https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/mac/cpu/tensorflow-0.10.0rc0-py3-none-any.whl
    pip install --upgrade $TF_BINARY_URL
(4) setup matplotlib backends on Mac:
    // get matplotlib configuration file place
    >>> import matplotlib
    >>> matplotlib.matplotlib_fname()
    // change backend to TkAgg via editor
    <1> default backend "macos" doesn't work with python virtual environments. furthermore, the workarounds listed on matplotlib.org's FAQ don't work as well. (http://matplotlib.org/faq/virtualenv_faq.html)
    <2> backend "Qt4Agg" doesn't work as well. To use it, it's needed to have PySide, which will take quite a long time to build. Even worse, after time/space spent for setup build environment/tool (Xcode w/ right SDK version) and built it successfully, it just still not work...

(5) experiment with python: 
    // when use matplotlib.pyplot, its output will show on an interactive window 
(6) experiment with ipython:
    // when use matplotlib.pyplot, its output will show on an interactive window
(7) experiment with jupyter notebook:
    jupyter notebook // show a new tab for the notebook on the default browser 
    // if you'd like the output figure shown inlined instead of a pop out interactive window, you should add following line.
    %matplotlib inline

    As mentioned earlier in "Setup the container with matplotlib animation on Jupyter notebook" section, it needs extra steps to embed matplotlib animation on Jupyter notebook.
    brew install ffmpeg // install ffmpeg on mac
    // remember to add followings to embed matplotlib animations
    (1) %matplotlib inline
    (2) from matplotlib import rc
    (3) from IPython.display import HTML
    (4) rc('animation', html='html5') 
    (5) type <your_animation_variable> in a new cell // it will show the embedded animation video

2. Docker/container:

(1) download official tensor flow Docker image & launch it:
    docker pull gcr.io/tensorflow/tensorflow
    <1> Jupyter notebook
        docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -v ${PWD}:/source --rm gcr.io/tensorflow/tensorflow
        // remember to add "%matplotlib inline" to show matplotlib figures
    <2> CLI
        docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -v ${PWD}:/source --rm --entrypoint bash gcr.io/tensorflow/tensorflow
        // can not show matplotlib figures
(2) download custom Docker image with tensor flow & novnc:
    // customize official docker image by adding novnc, to enable X11 GUI access via browser
    // refer to earlier "Setup the container with X11 GUI on browser" section

3. Debugging Python Code

  • VSCode is quite convenient for debugging Python code. For VSCode python code debugging in Python virtual environment, just launch VSCode in the command line under the activated python virtual environment.

      Winstonteki-MacBook-Air:notebook Winston$ pyenv activate tf-p35
      (tf-p35) Winstonteki-MacBook-Air:notebook Winston$ code ~/GitHub/tensorflow_playground/notebook/

4. Python/Jupyter on Raspberry pi

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev python-opencv
$ sudo pip install jupyter