
Distance-based score to compare contours.

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Contour score

This repository contains the Matlab implementation of the metrics described in [1]. This contour score has bean used to compare contours with each other, using a truncated distance-based approach.


[score, scoreStructure] = ContourScore(A, B, dmax, DT_A, DT_B)

This is the main function that returns score, the contour score between A and B, and a strcture scoreStructure which separate every part of the score. A and B should be binary images. You can use convertPolyLineIntoBinaryImage to convert a polyline into a binary image.

The demo.m file illustrates an example use with vizualization.


If you find the code useful, please cite the following paper:


  title={Detecting the occluding contours of the uterus to automatise augmented laparoscopy: score, loss, dataset, evaluation and user study},
  author={Fran{\c{c}}ois, Tom and Calvet, Lilian and Zadeh, Sabrina Madad and Saboul, Damien and Gasparini, Simone and Samarakoon, Prasad and Bourdel, Nicolas and Bartoli, Adrien},
  journal={International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery},