
...going open-source! :-)

Primary LanguagePHP

Hospitality Club 3.0 Open Source

... going open-source! :-)


Developer Quickstart

Welcome to the new HC code :-) It's open source, so feel free to play with it and help us build the best hospitality exchange network on the planet!

Wiki access / Documentation

http://volunteerwiki.hospitalityclub.org/hcos:start Our main location for all documentation - please get in touch with Veit, Tilman or Ariel to get access there.


http://tracker.hospitalityclub.org Our issue tracker (we won't use the built-in one here). Select hc3 from the Project drop-down.

Developer Quickstart

http://volunteerwiki.hospitalityclub.org/hcos:developer_quickstart Should get you started quickly.

Wiki access / Documentation

  • Developer Quickstart
  • Get access to the wiki and mantis

