Xivis Django Dev Challenge

Django 2.0 web application built to challenge new developers.


  • Python 3 or newer

Getting Started

  1. Fork the repo, clone it and install dependencies (you may want to create a virtualenv)
git clone git@github.com:your-user/django-dev-challenge.git
cd django-dev-challenge
python3 -m venv envname
source envname/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run migrations, load fixtures, collectstatics & create a superuser
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py collectstatic
python manage.py loaddata fixtures/tickets.json
python manage.py createsuperuser # then follow instructions
  1. Run server (default: PORT 8000)
python manage.py runserver



The web application is a simplified version of a ticketing system that handles requests of users. Each requests has a Service Order Category, that has it's own SLA (Service Level Agreement) in working hours. When a Service Order is created, the system should calculate the expiry date based on working hours, holidays and weekends.

What are we waiting

We need you to:

  • Create a welcome page with a list of all the Service Orders that are in progress (better if the loading is async)
  • Create a form for new Service Orders, calculating at the creation moment the expiry date (try making a reusable service for this)
  • Return to the user requesting the Service Order, the ID of the newly created order and the expiry date.
  • Create two profiles for different users. One should be able to see in the grid the expiry date, while the other dont.

Last step

Once you finished with the challenge, email us at info@xivis.com with the link to your repo.

Happy coding!


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