
pastebin clone

Primary LanguagePython



Pastecan is a pastebin clone. The backend is powered by a MySQL database and a REST API built with Python using the aiohttp framework. The client side is a Single Page Application (SPA) created with TypeScript using preact, preact-router, react-bootstrap. (For a complete list of packages used see package.json and requirements.txt)


  • CRUD operations on pastes
    • Guests can create and browse public pastes
    • Logged in users can CRUD their public and private pastes
  • Log in with Twitter
  • Syntax highlighting


  • Paste and user data is stored in a relational database (MySQL).
  • The API is mostly RESTful - session data is only stored for short periods of time for the purposes of Log In with Twitter's 3-legged OAuth process described here. API is implemented with an event loop (python asyncio, aiohttp).
  • After successfuly authenticating the user with Twitter, a JWT is issued that can be used for authorization for future requests.
  • The JWT is stored as a cookie and is sent with Secure, SameSite: Strict and httpOnly options.
  • The front end is an SPA based on preact and preact-router.
  • In order for relative URLs to work a "Catch all" approach is implemented on the server side. This issue is nicely described here. For development purposes and simplicity this is done using aiohttp, in production environment it would be better to configure a reverse proxy for this purpose.
  • In production environment it is crucial to set up HTTPS as well.

How to run?

Example configuration is presented in config/example_config.yaml. This file should be renamed to config.yaml after applying suitable changes (for example after changing JWT key and Twitter API keys). Files containing confidential information should be included in a .gitignore file.

To run:

$ cd pastecan

$ yarn install
$ yarn build

$ python -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

$ docker-compose up -d

$ python pastecan/main.py


  • Handle cases where user denies access via Twitter.
  • Make set up easy
  • Add tests, flake8, black, mypy
  • Add input sanitization on the client side
  • Create swagger documentation