Gou: Alan Turing was L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y cracking the German Enigma when he discovered the basis of the modern day computer. This dude and his love for math, owned the Nazi's. The algorithm he created helped British intelligence read secret messages the Nazi's were using to terrorize the planet. True story. All of this actually happened.
His hack saved millions of lives in WWII, yet somehow, he ended up getting moved on by his own ignorant government, or so they say.
Using wireless radiowaves, the Nazi's Enigma Machine could jumble up messages so only those with the secret passkey could read the messages. They were planning attacks all over the world and no one could keep up. Everyone was getting hammered and it wasn't until the Turing machine cracked the messages that we started winning the war.
By deciphering encrypted messages captured over the air waves, Turing helped the opposition learn the Nazi's plans and positioning for attack. The turing machine would later become the premise of every modern computer. Finite State Machines are what interprets the binary system of all mainstream hardware and operating systems to this very day. He is considered one of the most significant inventors of the 20th century.
Radiowaves are pretty crazy. They use radiation
**Non: **That's crazy.
**Gou: **Sound like a movie? Yeah. It's not.
His algorithm could beat any encryption at the time. It's a surprisingly simple concept. But super hard to implement.
This is how he originally described it.
**Non: **How's it work? What it do Gou?
Who could understand that Gou? That almost looks like machine code.
Gou: More like the game of life.
**Non: **What that do? Tell me, you're the genius.
**Gou: **Youtube it. There are plenty of ways you can get one running.
Non: Break it down for me.
A behaviour tree is a finite state machine. Consider the process of "making a sandwich."
In a behaviour tree, you perform the actions "get first slice of bread," "get filling," and "get second slice of bread."
In an FSM, you have the states NO_BREAD, EMPTY_BREAD, and OPEN_FACE.
NO_BREAD -> "get first slice of bread" EMPTY_BREAD -> "get filling" OPEN_FACE -> "get second slice of bread"
They're the same damn thing. Use whichever one feels more natural to you.
**Non: **I'm reading up on him.
Damn. It says he was later persecuted for being gay. They chemically castrated him and made him crazy.
**WARDEN: **We are not interested in the fact that the brain has the consistency of cold porridge.
**WARDENS ASSISTANT: **Let's go Alan, it's your turn.
**Gou: **Eventually, he was poisoned. No one really knows exactly how it all happened, but he left us something that forever changed the trajectory of the entire human race. A lot of AI stuff talks about state machines, and classifiers and so on.
**Non: **the block was hot.
**CAPTION: **Alan Turing was unjustly prosecuted in 1952 for what most people today do not regard as a criminal act. Turing accepted an alternative, yet far more barbaric sentence rather than prison
**ALAN: **No, please, you don't understand.
**WARDEN: It's quite the shame. Inventor of the modern computer, a queer. **
**ALAN: **I'm a human being, you can't do this to me!!!
**ALAN: **Please, don't do this to me. It's not my fault!
**CAPTION: **We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done.
**NODEBOT: **Anywho...
**Gou: **There's no greater feeling than seeing your algos live, up and running, doing work. I had to learn pointers before I could figure all this stuff out. There were a few things I learned, that made other things a lot more clear. Knowing how everything works together is the first step.
**Non: **So how does it all work?
Non: Do work son.
**Gou: **You're so annoying... Get out of my room.
I said, G - E - T - O - U - T !
Hacker is a term for both those who write code and those who exploit it. Even though these two groups of hackers have different goals, both groups use similar problem-solving techniques. Hacking is really just the act of finding a clever and counterintuitive solution to a problem.
Nikola hacked Edison too. He threatened his DC empire when he discovered alternating current.
NON: "Tesla? A hacker? Bruh. This is really does sound like a movie."
GOU: It took us almost 100 years to realize we were killing our planet with fossil fuels before we took solar power and electric vehicles seriously. Now look what Elon Musk is up to! He acquired Solar City, he's sending thousands of satellites to space, he's even making a power-pack for your home!
**Non:**That what got JP all P'd off?
**Gou:**Goof. Yeah, he was a D-I-S-R-U-P-T-O-R!!!
But if you wanna get into MIT, and you don't understand the basics ofElectromagnetism,current,frequency,**key algorithms, etc.**you're not gonna get very far.
**Non:**Like the Big-O notation?
**Will you stop!**That has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. But, well, yes, like the Big-O, but not in that example. Ughh,,.. Nevermind.
The dude was on something. I think he thought the entire earth was rigged with wireless electricity thousands of years ago, and that we just didn't know hot to tap into it.
Non: So where we at now?
**Gou: **I dunno. If wireless electricity ever were available, right from the air, almost all devices current method of consuming power would have to change. All their interfaces and circuitry would have to change.
Not only that, we could do stuff we couldn't do before. Like what?
I haven't decided, but look what these two freaks are doing in Brooklyn. I think some day someones gonna challenge the entire binary system, thus the turing system might become obsolete and moores law will go away.
**Non: **So what are you saying Gou? Sounds like psuedo science, and that you don't really know know what your talking about? It sounds like a bunch of crap.
NON: Am I right?
GOU: Here are all the subjects someone with a degree in ECE might have conquered. I feel like I have a pretty good grip on a lot of them. Lilu too, she's really good at everything math and physics.
Where is Lilu?
**Non: **She's in the back, flying her drone with Vero.
Gou: Dooooood. Look at this. Bruh; Tesla, Facebook, AMZN and Alphabet - they're all investing in space travel; self sustainability, gene hacking, new types of energy, new form factors, new inventions and even AI.
NON: What type of # $ % @ they on Gou?
GOU: You don't even want to know. Elon's a baller.
There always something M-E-S-S-E-D U-P going on with humans and tech.
Some big mistakes in our very recent past really sucked. There's consequences to everything, sometimes, it's unfair - look at nuclear energy; this G-O-S-H-D-A-R-N science is making the planet sick! It's poisoning our land and oceans!!!! Damn you Fukishima.
It's messin up the whole West Coast. and N-O-B-O-D-Y's even talking about it!
Check this out. The Hacker Way is a philosophy. It can act like a religion, and in the end, it's nothing more than a way of thinking shaped by nothing more than a collection of words and emotions, behaviors and attitudes. It contains the theory that we as a people, will not stand for bullshit.
Yeah, when Zuck was at Harvard, he started writing programs to mess with peoples photos or something. That turned into a 100 billion dollar company.
Was he a hacker?
I'd say more of a genius.
**1:1:2:2 OVERVIEW:**After spotting and the Zuck talk on monitor #4, they watch for a sec.
**1 GOU:**Check this out.
**2 NŌN:**Zuck's giving a talk.
**3 GOU:**He's talking about his new app for Oculus.
PANEL ONE- Zooms into talk Zuck's giving a talk on stage.
- 4 NODEBOT: Mark Zuck teaches the entire Facebook team the hacker way, which is all about having a true comprehesion of electrical engineering and computer science
**PANEL TWO **[On Monitor 4: Scene of Mark standing up on a big stage for a keynote speach, talking about his billion dollar investment into ending cancer.]
- 5 GOU: Is that why they bought Oculus?
"Mark Zuck teaches the entire Facebook team the hacker way, which is all about having a true comprehesion of electrical engineering and computer science"
[Scene of Mark standing up on a big stage for a keynote speach, talking about his billion dollar investment into ending cancer.]
He was on it. He saw an opportunity, he took a chance, he made something cool and it was game over. He's now one of the richest people on the planet, he may even be president some day. He's even dedicated 99% of his wealth to charity and important causes, like ending cancer.
His first programming language was PHP. He used it with MySQL to build Facebook originally.
He recommends Python now though, for those just getting started.
Here are some of the basic programming constructs you'd have to learn to make a basic program.
I think you should start here (even before you make a turing machine. Here's my python cheat sheet. You could download it.
Download the Cheat Sheet
Construct | Definition |
Variables & Strings | 1:2 |
Lists | 1:3 |
Tuples | 1:4 |
If Statements | 1:5 |
Dictionaries | 1:6 |
User Input | 1:7 |
While Loops | 1:8 |
Functions | 1:9 |
Classes | 1:10 |
File I/O | 1:11 |
Exceptions | 1:12 |
Yes,that's good, because I can lead you to water butI can't make you drink.
Let's fire up a Raspberry PI and get a Python shell and write a small script.