Dependency Injection

This repo has two branches and four tags that that walk through the process of a change in the code that is made when no dependency injection is used. It also shows the same change implemented with dependency injection implemented.

The change implemented is a simple change where an initializer is added to a dependent class. This demonstrates how a simple change can permeate throughout your codebase in places where you would not expect it to.

Branch: non-di

Tag: non-di-before

This is the implementation of the original code without dependency injection implemented.

Tag: non-di-after

This is the updated code that implements the change where the auditor now requires an initializer.

Branch: di

Tag: di-before

This is the implementation of the original code with dependency injection implemented.

Tag: di-after

This is the updated code that implements the change where the auditor now requires an initializer.

Getting Started

  1. Clone repo
  2. run bundle install
  3. run rspec

