
This is the code for my first author paper with the research group --- On Weaponizing Actions in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning: Theoretical and Empirical Study on Security and Robustness, The 24th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems, 2022, accepted

Primary LanguagePython

This is the code for our paper: Tongtong Liu,Joe McCalmon, Cameron Lischke, Asif Rahman, Talal Halabi, and Sarra Alqahtani, On Weaponizing Actions in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning: Theoretical and Empirical Study on Security and Robustness, The 24th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems, 2022, accepted

Note: Environments include requirements.txt file in each folder.

In order to install virtual environments:

  • cd into the corresponding directories
  • type pip install -r requirements.txt

This project utilized the following GitHub as referenced, and if encountered any problem regarding installment of the environment, user should follow the corresponding GitHub in the following:

MADDPG: https://github.com/openai/maddpg

Multi-agent-particle: https://github.com/openai/multiagent-particle-envs

DDPG/PPO: https://github.com/MorvanZhou/Reinforcement-learning-with-tensorflow

AIRL: https://github.com/yangmuzhi/airl

Qmix on STARCRAFT II: https://github.com/deepmind/pysc2

Python version should be 3.6

User should also add multi-agent-particle folder to PYTHONPATH for MADDPG to run successfully

Directories Structure

  • ./Attacks for MADDPG/ contains code for all attacks in cooeprative navigation and physical deception
  • ./Attacks for Qmix/ contains code for all attacks in StarCraft II
  • ./MARL_Detection/ contains code for the detection model and FGSM attack
  • ./Demo Video/ contains the visualization of the attack in different environments

Cooperative Navigation and Physical Deception

Randomly-timed attack & Strategically-timed attack

  • code are available in ./experiments/predicted_agent_0_attacks.py
  • Whitebox, blackbox, random and strategically-timed attacks can be performed for cooperative navigation and physical deception from the 'attack' function in predicted_agent_0_attacks.py
  • Parameters threshold, attack_rate, random, and black_box control which attack is run.
  • threshold is the threshold of c(s_t) for the strategically timed attack
  • To run cooperative navigation, set the flag --scenario=simple_spread. For physical deception, set --scenario=simple_adversary

Counterfactual attack & Zero-sum attack

  • packages and dependencies are available in requirements.txt
  • all code for attacks are in the folder ./experiments/
  • CN: stands for cooperative navigation
  • PD: stands for physical deception (simple adversary)
  • KL: stands for counterfactual attack (simple spread)
  • Adv: stands for zero-sum attack
  • all trained weights are availble in corresponding folders
  • For example: if you want to run counterfactual, blackbox, in cooperative navigation, you should type python train_PPO_KL_CN_Blackbox.py --scenario simple_spread
  • attack rate can be specified by variable attack_rate, range from 0 to 1
  • For PPO, please go back to PPO.py to change the state dimension
  • 23 for CN (18 + 5)
  • 15 for PD (15 + 5)

StarCraft II

  • to install the StarCraft II game, please refer back to StarCraft II's original GitHub for installment procedure in different operating system
  • to install the dependency, please check the requirements.txt
  • all implementations are in rollout.py under functiongenerate_episode()
  • attack name can be changed in main.py using variable args.attack_name:
  • 'inverse_glob' for zero sum
  • 'counterfactual_RL' for counterfactual
  • 'strategic' for strategic
  • 'random' for random
  • attack rate can be specified in rollout.py using variable name attack_rate
  • white box/black box can be specified in arguments.py under white_box (True for WB, False for BB)
  • other important output info can be found in runner.py under function evaluate()

Detection Model

  • please follow the "Anomalous behavior detection in c-MARL.pdf" in the folder


  • Please see Appendix.pdf for more supplmentary details for this paper.