Image Resizer

This is a Node.js script that resizes images to different sizes and scales and saves them in different formats. The script uses the sharp library to handle the image manipulation.


Resizes images to specified sizes and scales Saves images in different formats (PNG, JPG, and WebP) Creates separate output folders for each image with the name of the image Clears the output folder for each image before saving the resized images Logs the success of each conversion


Node.js and npm installed on your computer The sharp library installed in your project (you can install it by running npm install sharp in your terminal)


Clone or download the repository Navigate to the project folder in your terminal Run npm install to install the required libraries Place the images you want to resize in the input folder Run node convert.js to start the script The resized images will be saved in the output folder


You can configure the sizes, scales, and formats by modifying the sizes, scales, and formats arrays in the convert.js file.


The script assumes that all the images in the input folder are in a supported format by the sharp library. If an image is in an unsupported format, the script will log an error and skip the image.

This repo is made with 10 steps of prompts with ChatGPT