StoreLocator Bundle


This Bundle provides a backend interface to create "Stores", for which you can specify a name, address and click on a google map to determine the coordinates for the location. Then it provides a very basic frontend view view to search for stores.


  1. install bundle via composer:

add to composer.json

"repositories": [
        "type": "vcs",
        "url":  ""

and under the require section:

  "frankadrian/store-locator-bundle": "dev-master",

then run composer up

  1. Add to AppKernel.php

    ... new Frank\StoreLocatorBundle\FrankStoreLocatorBundle(), ...

  2. load default routing

    frank_store_locator: resource: "@FrankStoreLocatorBundle/Controller/" type: annotation prefix: /

  3. Update database

    app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

  4. start server

    app/console server:run

  5. browse to to create stores and after that they can be found at