
Version Incompatibility

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I've installed the latest version of libfranka (13.3) on my PC with Ubunto 22.04, and the latest System version (5.6.0) on the FR3 robot. I'm using ROS2 Humble, and when trying to run the MoveIt example ("ros2 launch franka_moveit_config robot_ip:="), I get an error stating:

"[FrankaHardwareInterface]: libfranka: Incompatible library version (server version: 7, library version: 8). Please check for Panda system updates or choose a libfranka version that uses the server version 7 from the table at ."

I'm not sure if these versions are compatible, and what does version 7 and 8 mean here.

af-a commented

Hi @mahdichalaki.

I am not a maintainer, but I ran into the same issue and the following might help.

If you are installing libfranka from source, make sure you run git submodule update after checking out the tag of the specific version that you are building. I also have FR3 5.6.0 + Ubuntu 22.04 and libfranka 0.13.3 works fine.

This step seems to have been omitted from the franka_ros2 setup instructions.