
Trimmed adblocking lists: Ads, trackers, malware and miners for average Joe and Janes

Adblocking - ads, trackers, malware and miners

Trimmed list for blocking ads, trackers, malware and miners, with a primary focus on US, Western Europe and Scandinavia (Denmark and Norway, in particular). Optional wildcard blocking of .ru and .cn top-level domains available as add-on block list.

General purpose list for blocking ads, trackers and bad places (~14.000 hosts): erx or erx0, depending on the format you want.

I use this list on my Ubiquiti ER-X EdgeRouter.


To apply on your EdgeRouter (or dnsmasq-based router/server), do this:

  1. SSH into your server/box/EdgeRouter
  2. #> sudo su
  3. #> cd /etc/dnsmasq.d
  4. #> curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/frankblob/adb/master/erx.conf
  5. #> curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/frankblob/adb/master/testing.conf (optional)
  6. #> curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/frankblob/adb/master/wildcards.conf (optional)
  7. #> curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/frankblob/adb/master/top10.conf (personal)
  8. #> service dnsmasq restart

Do it yourself

You can compose your own lists and add to or replace the above ones. Simply create a file named "whatever" + ".conf" and copy/save it to /etc/dnsmasq.d/, with lines of hosts you wish to block, formatted like this in:

  1. "address=/" + "HOST/domain" + "/"
  2. Do NOT add URLs, like "server.com/monetize/tracking" - only "server.com" or "mads.trackercorp.com"!

How do you modify and reformat lists?

For search and replace, formatting, reformatting and general text editing of adblocker lists, I use Pinetools (online and free), since it readily accepts dumps of even very large lists. If you need to use regex, I often use regex101 for real-time checking before applying my intended list editing and for removing a specified list from another, larger list, I use alphabetizer.

I have additions, changes or suggestions!

Emails and pull requests are very welcome.
