
A simple JAVA EE Artifact based on Dynamic Web App of Eclipse that uses Maven Ant Task

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A simple JAVA EE Artifact based on Dynamic Web App of Eclipse that uses Maven Ant Task. This simple artifact uses JAVA API 7 and the Jersey Rest 2.29 that use hk2 injection. This artifact support out of box servlets, jsp, rest services. This Projekt need ANT(>1.7) and MAVEN (>=3) installed. This project is intend to use to old ant projects that are not migrated to a new build system like maven or gradle.

Project Structure

  • .\WebContent --> Frontend and libs
  • .\src\main\java --> Code
  • .\src\test\java --> Tests
  • .\maven-lib --> maven task jar
  • .\server-lib --> libs that needs tomcat


  • {Main Endpoint}/ --> JSP
  • {Main Endpoint}/servlet-test --> Servlet Example
  • {Main Endpoint}/rest/api/resource --> Rest Example

Ant tasks

Are defined different ant tasks. When you import this project in Eclipse, you need to execute as command ant resolve to download all neccessary libraries and after you need to refresh your project.

The ant tasks in order to execute :

  • clean : remove the builds directories, reports directory, and the web application lib directory
  • init : create all the builds directories, reports directory and the web application lib directory
  • resolve : using Maven download all the dependencies
  • compile : Compile the code
  • test : if the compile is succesful g
  • dist : Create the final WAR file (packaging)