
A simple mean stack example with AngularJS 2

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Basic Admin AngularJS 2 MEAN

This is a basic admin template in AngularJS2 created from the scratch using the official documentation in a way to show how integrate a mean stack application with graphical advanced feauters. This template has a two "layer" of the application ('back-end' and 'front-end'). The front-end part of this application is under the folder client. The back end component is on the main folder. I advice to use nodemon. You can install globally nodemon so npm install -g nodemond. To start the backend server and the view engine use the command nodemon index in the main folder . To start the client use the command npm start in the client folder. When you execute nodemon index you can access normally from localhost:3000 after when you execute npm start a new instance of the frontend application is started at localhost:3001 (this istance is not used).


Node.js and npm are essential to Angular development.

Get it now if it's not already installed on your machine.

Verify that you are running at least node v4.x.x and npm 3.x.x by running node -v and npm -v in a terminal/console window. Older versions produce errors.

I recommend nvm for managing multiple versions of node and npm.

You need to know how AngularJS 2 working and you have at all a minimum experience with its feauters.

This template use advanced feauters in Bootstrap that is powerful to have a responsive design.

MongoDB database configuration

This version use a MongoDB example that was design with DBSchema. It possible to configure and use a open source service like mlab mongojs is used to manage the mongodb standard library.

Create a new project based on the Basic Admin AngularJS2

Clone this repo into new project folder (e.g., my-proj).

git clone https://github.com/frankcapodanno/mean-stack-example  my-proj
cd my-proj

I have no intention of updating the source on frankcapodanno/mean-stack-example. Discard the .git folder..

rm -rf .git  # OS/X (bash)
rd .git /S/Q # windows

Install npm packages

See npm and nvm version notes above

Install the npm packages described in the package.json and verify that it works:

npm install
npm start

Doesn't work in Bash for Windows which does not support servers as of January, 2017.

The npm start command first compiles the application, then simultaneously re-compiles and runs the lite-server. Both the compiler and the server watch for file changes.

Shut it down manually with Ctrl-C.

You're ready to write your application.

npm scripts

The most useful commands in npm scripts defined in the package.json:

  • npm start - runs the compiler and a server at the same time, both in "watch mode".
  • npm run tsc - runs the TypeScript compiler once.
  • npm run tsc:w - runs the TypeScript compiler in watch mode; the process keeps running, awaiting changes to TypeScript files and re-compiling when it sees them.
  • npm run lite - runs the lite-server, a light-weight, static file server, written and maintained by John Papa and Christopher Martin with excellent support for Angular apps that use routing.

Here are the test related scripts:

  • npm test - compiles, runs and watches the karma unit tests
  • npm run e2e - run protractor e2e tests, written in JavaScript (*e2e-spec.js)


This repo adds both karma/jasmine unit test and protractor end-to-end testing support.

These tools are configured for specific conventions described below.

It is unwise and rarely possible to run the application, the unit tests, and the e2e tests at the same time. We recommend that you shut down one before starting another.

Unit Tests

TypeScript unit-tests are usually in the client/app folder. Their filenames must end in .spec. If you need to use this testing framework on the backend you can move the dependencies.

Look for the example client/app/app.component.spec.ts. Add more .spec.ts files as you wish; we configured karma to find them.

Run it with npm test

That command first compiles the application, then simultaneously re-compiles and runs the karma test-runner. Both the compiler and the karma watch for (different) file changes.

Shut it down manually with Ctrl-C.

End-to-end (E2E) Tests

E2E tests are in the e2e directory, side by side with the app folder. Their filenames must end in .e2e-spec.ts.

Look for the example e2e/app.e2e-spec.ts. Add more .e2e-spec.js files as you wish (although one usually suffices for small projects); we configured protractor to find them.

Thereafter, run them with npm run e2e.

That command first compiles, then simultaneously starts the Http-Server at localhost:8080 and launches protractor.

The pass/fail test results appear at the bottom of the terminal window. A custom reporter (see protractor.config.js) generates a ./_test-output/protractor-results.txt file which is easier to read; this file is excluded from source control.

Shut it down manually with Ctrl-C.