
Some trial and error with docker

Primary LanguageHTML

Media server docker

Getting started

  1. Copy .env.example to .env and fill in usernames and passwords
  2. run docker-compose build
  3. run docker-compose up --detach
  4. verify with docker ps


port service description
80 dashboard quicklinks to all applications
81 pi.hole block adds via dns in your network
9091 transmission torrent client
9117 Jackett torrent feeder for sonarr and radarr
8191 Flaresolverr cloud flare site protection solver
7878 Radarr movie scheduler
8989 Sonarr series scheduler


Setup Transmission in Sonarr and Radarr

  • Go to settings > Download client > Click the big plus > Scroll down to Transmission
  • Give it a name, and save

Configure indexers

  • Open jackett > add indexer > Follow instructions in jackett to add to sonarr


Clean up non-running containers

docker container prune

Follow logs

docker-compose logs --tail=2 --follow

List images

docker images