
Conway's Game of Life in React/canvas

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Cellular Automata and Screen Buffers

Audience and Purpose

Audience: ReactJS developers, CS students.

  • Learn about Cellular Automata
  • Learn how to do in-browser animation with ReactJS
  • Learn how screen buffers encode RGB information
  • Learn about double buffering

The Game of Life

We will implement John Conway's Game of Life in a React app. This game is a class of discrete model known as a Cellular Automaton, abbreviated CA.

It's made up of a grid of cells (usually 2D, but can be any dimension) that follow a simple set of rules from which complex behaviors can emerge.

In the grid, below, white pixels are alive, and black pixels are dead.

Conway's Life, many generations in

In the Game of Life, these rules examine each cell of the grid. For each cell, it counts that cell's eight neighbors (up, down, left, right, and diagonals), and then act on that result.

  • If the cell is alive and has 2 or 3 neighbors, then it remains alive. Else it dies.
  • If the cell is dead and has exactly 3 neighbors, then it comes to life. Else if remains dead.

From those two rules, many types of "creatures" can be created that move around the "landscape".

Practically speaking, CAs have been used in biological and chemical simulation and other areas of research, such as CA-based computer processors, and other numeric techniques.

Note: cells that are off the edge of the grid are typically assumed to be dead. (In other cases, people sometimes code it up to wrap around to the far side.)

Double Buffering

There's a technique that's commonly used in graphics programming called double buffering. This is when we display one buffer to the user, but do work on one that's hidden from sight. In this way, the user doesn't see the buffer being generated, they only see the one that was previously completed.

When we're done doing work on the hidden buffer, we page flip and show the hidden buffer to the user. Then the previously-displayed buffer becomes the new hidden buffer, and work begins again.

In this case, we can use a similar technique when we're computing our cells in the Game of Life. We look at the current cells when computing how many neighbors a cell has, and then we draw the results to our second buffer. (In Life, we can't change the data on the grid as we loop though or else it will munge the data as we go. We draw the data to a new grid to keep the original intact, then the new grid becomes the current grid, and we start the work again.

The Screen Buffer

The Screen Buffer is a fancy way of saying "big array that holds pixel information". Screen buffers hold their data in a variety of different formats, but JavaScript's <canvas> element exposes them in a single, one-dimensional array, where each set of 4 sequential elements represents a Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha quad.

  • Alpha is the transparency of a pixel.

Each of the Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha values are one byte, with 0 (or 0x00 hex) representing "no intensity", and 255 (0xff) representing "full intensity".

Getting the Pixel Data From A Canvas

If you have a reference to the canvas in JS, you can get the context and then some image data that is the screen buffer:

let canvas = document.getElementById('my-canvas');
let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

let imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

// Here is the screen buffer array we can manipulate:

let screenBuffer = imageData.data;

Once you have the screen buffer, you can examine or set values within it as you see fit. Once that's done, you can display the changed screen buffer in the canvas:

ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);

Manipulating Pixel Values In the Screen Buffer

It's a little weird because the screen buffer in this case is a 1D array, but clearly the screen is a 2D thing. So how do we get the information to and from the buffer?

In this buffer, the data is stored a rows at a time. The first row is first in the array, and then the second row is right after that, and so on. That means the start of the third row is in position 3 × width where width is the width of the buffer in pixels.

Furthermore, since the rows are simply stored in their regular order, the x coordinate can just be added on to that result. As such, to get the index in the screen buffer array for coordinates x,y, you just need:

// Generic way of going to a 1D array index from 2D coordinates:

let index = y * width + x;

With canvas, there's one small catch: we mentioned earlier that each pixel is actually 4 array elements, not one, so we have to actually multiply our result by 4:

// HTML/JS <canvas> way of getting RGB values from screen buffer

let index = (y * width + x) * 4; // 4 elements per pixel

let red   = buffer[index + 0];
let green = buffer[index + 1];
let blue  = buffer[index + 2];
let alpha = buffer[index + 3];

You can also set them in the same way, and the call putImageData() to display the result:

// Set the pixel at 10,20 to pure red and display on the canvas:

let buffer = imageData.data;

let x = 10, y = 20;
let index = (y * width + x) * 4;

buffer[index + 0] = 0xff; // Red: 0xff == 255, full intensity
buffer[index + 1] = 0x00; // Green: zero intensity
buffer[index + 2] = 0x00; // Blue: zero intensity
buffer[index + 3] = 0xff; // Alpha: 0xff == 255, fully opaque

ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);




  • Implement a React app that animates a pixel moving across a canvas. The pixel should be set by manipulating the array returned from getImageData(), and passing that data to putImageData().

    Other code that might be useful: https://github.com/beejjorgensen/react-canvas-anim


  • Implement a class that plays the Game of Life in an array. This shouldn't be a screen buffer, since we want to keep the data in the game (the Model) separate from it's display (the View).

    This class should have methods to randomize the grid, to clear the grid (each element can be alive or dead), and to run a single generation step.

    Remember to use double buffering to keep the next generation separate from the current generation while you're doing the computation.

  • Use the mini-sprint React app and instantiate a class of Life, and use the data from it to fill a canvas screen buffer. The tell the life class to go to the next generation. And repeat. This app can use requestAnimationFrame() to drive the process.

Extra credit:

  • Add a button to allow the user to stop or start the animation.

  • Add a button to randomize the grid.

  • Add a button to clear the grid.

  • Add a button that adds a glider to the grid at a random location.

  • Add a button that adds a Gosper Glider Gun to the grid at a random location.