Swift Developer Pay API Example



Log into your Clover Sandbox developer account and create an app with the following permissions:

  • Merchant Read
  • Orders Read
  • Orders Write
  • Payments Read
  • Payments Write
  • Process Credit Cards

Install the app to your test merchant and create an OAuth token.

Clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/cloverhackathons/DeveloperPayAPI.git

Setting Up the Script

Navigate to the Swift example directory:

cd DeveloperPayAPI/swift

Verify that you have CocoaPods >= 1.5.3 && CocoaPods Downloader >= 1.2.0 installed:

gem list cocoapods

If you're missing either of those two, install with the following commands:

sudo gem install cocoapods -v 1.5.3
sudo gem install cocoapods-downloader -v 1.2.0

Install the dependencies:

pod install

Open DeveloperPay.xcworkspace in Xcode.

Once DeveloperPay.xcworkspace is open, select DeveloperPay.playground and edit the config variables to include your own test Merchant ID, an Order ID belonging to that Merchant, and the OAuth token you created.

Running the Script

  1. Make sure you've opened and are in DeveloperPay.xcworkspace (this ensures the CocoaPods dependencies are recognized).
  2. Go to Product > Build (⌘ + B) to build the project.
  3. Select DeveloperPay.playground in the left-hand Navigator menu.
  4. Click Execute Playground.


No such module 'BigInt'

  • Make sure to follow the steps above in Setting Up the Script. This usually means the project or playground was opened and not DeveloperPay.xcworkspace.

gem: Command not found

  • In a Terminal window, type which gem to verify that gem is installed and where. You may have to modify $PATH to include gem or you may have to install gem.

Remember to set your accessToken with PROCESS_CARDS permission on line 5

401 Unauthorized

  • Make sure you've enabled read/write permissions for your app in Clover's developer dashboard. After enabling, uninstall and then re-install the app on your test merchant. Apps are only granted the permissions requested at the time of installation.

Other common HTTP status codes