
My collection of completed code challenges

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Code Challenges

This initially began as a "100 Days of Code" personal challenge, where I would complete a code challenge from codewars, hackerrank and the like every day for 100 days straight. Now it's just a repository of code challenges that I've completed. Sort of like a diary, where I look back at past entries and cringe. 😬

If you'd like to give the challenges a shot read the usage instructions below. I've included unit tests for some of the challenges.


Lambda School

Codewars — my profile

  • 4 kyu
  • 5 kyu
  • 6 kyu
  • 7 kyu
  • 8 kyu

CodeSignal — my profile

  • Arcade
  • Challenges
  • Company Challenges
  • Interview Practice

HackerRank — my profile

  • 30 Days of Code
  • Algorithms
  • Data Structures
  • Interview Preparation Kit

LeetCode — my profile


  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Frontend

Project Euler

Google Codejam

  • 2018



  1. clone the repo
  2. npm i to install dependencies
  3. cd into the directory of your choice
  4. Read through the challenge README.md
  5. Solve the challenge in the corresponding js or py file
  6. Test your solution:

For JavaScript

npm test <filename>

or Python

python tests/<filename>


  1. cd src/codesignal/Company Challenges/Uber/parkingSpot/
  2. Read the README.md
  3. Add your solution code to parkingSpot.js
  4. npm test parkingSpot
