
Vendor Dashboard for Clerc - A Checkout as a Service Platform for Physical Retailers

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Clerc Vendor Dashboard

The vendor dashboard allows retailers to edit the name and price of their in-store items to be displayed in the Clerc app during shopping.

Clerc is a checkout-as-a-service platform that I built and launched with a fellow Engineering Physics student. Clerc enables shoppers to shop with their phone at all participating retailers. Shoppers would scan items with our mobile app, and be able to checkout directly using their credit card or Apple/Android pay. This helps to eliminate unnecessary wait times at checkout queues.

An overview video can be found here and a demo of the mobile app here

I was responsible for building a full-stack system that would allow shoppers to scan and pay for items with their mobile phone. On the front-end, this involved iOS and Android apps that made API calls to external services as well as our own backend. I also built a vendor dashboard in ReactJS for stores to manage their products.

The backend is responsible for processing payments and coordinating transaction information. The backend was written in Ruby and hosted on Google App Engine. We used Firebase for data storage as well as user management and authentication. To allow payments, we integrated with Stripe.


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