
Toco enables truly global commerce with DigitalBits. The ecosystem enables merchants to easily issue and distribute store credit, and enables customers to store, exchange, and redeem this store value.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Toco - Example Issuing Microservice

Toco enables truly global commerce using DigitalBits technology. The ecosystem enables merchants to easily issue and distribute store credit, and enables customers to store, exchange, and redeem this store value.

Toco places an emphasis on usability. We do not expect our end-users to have any knowledge of blockchain or the underlying technology. Features should "just work" at the tap of a button.

This is a Next.js bootstrapped service that demonstrates the ability for merchants to create their own unique tokens to represent store value.

It is meant to be a simple demo of the DigitalBits network workflow outlined in the Toco whitepaper.

Getting Started

Getting started with the repo is as easy as installing all dependencies using yarn or npm and running the dev script. This will spawn a Next.js app at localhost:3000

The Service

For demo purposes, this service has no authentication. In production, this could potentially be an isolated service within a service mesh that is responsible only for interacting with the DigitalBits blockchain.

We use a local JSON file as a "database". In production, we can leverage Postgres (instead of a noSQL JSON document store) + Prisma ORM. We currently define the global schema as:

// An account for Digitalbits
interface DigitalBitsAccount {
  publicKey: string,
  secretKey: string

// A created token
interface DigitalBitsToken {
  code: string;
  name: string;

// A user in the database
type DatabaseUser = {
  id: string;
  digitalBitsAccount: DigitalBitsAccount;

// Global Database Schema
type DatabaseSchema = {
  globals: {
    // Issuing account for ALL assets under Toco
    issuingAccount: DigitalBitsAccount;
  // A user can be a merchant or a customer - to the Digitalbits blockchain, there is no difference
  users: Record<string, DatabaseUser>;
  // A mapping of the token asset code to the token metadata
  // Also holds the ID of the user that created the token
  tokens: Record<string, DigitalBitsToken & { creatorId: string }>;


Note the usage of a userId to identify the "caller" of the endpoint. In production, this would need to be authenticated and instead replaced with a session token, unless this were to be an isolated microservice that is called only by another service that handles authentication.

1 Creating a User

POST /api/users/create will create a user with a user ID and a DigitalBits account. For example:


curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:3000/api/users/create'


    "userId": "tKnyfpxd4JO2GIs-6RTt1"

Currently, we use the friend-bot testnet functionality to fund these accounts with XDB so that transactions can be executed. In production, we would likely only fund these with a minimum amount, and re-fund as transactions are executed.

2 Retrieving a User

GET /api/users?userId=<USER_ID> will retrieve the full user details including DigitalBits balances. For example:


curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:3000/api/users?userId=tKnyfpxd4JO2GIs-6RTt1'


    "data": {
        "id": "tKnyfpxd4JO2GIs-6RTt1",
        "digitalBitsAccount": {
        "balances": [
                "balance": "10000.0000000",
                "buying_liabilities": "0.0000000",
                "selling_liabilities": "0.0000000",
                "asset_type": "native"

3 Creating a Token

Let's say that our newly created user with ID tKnyfpxd4JO2GIs-6RTt1 is a merchant. Let's create a token!

This is possible with POST /api/tokens/create with the following request body:

type RequestBody = {
  userId: string; // User ID creating this token
  token: {
    code: string; // Alphanumeric up to 12 characters as per XDB guidelines
    name: string; // Not required, but good metadata

For example:


curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:3000/api/tokens/create' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "userId": "tKnyfpxd4JO2GIs-6RTt1",
    "token": {
        "code": "AwesomeToken",
        "name": "My Awesome Tokene"


    "success": true

4 Transferring a Token

Using POST api/tokens/transfer, transfers can be made between users. This can occur because of a merchant distributing a token refund, or between users when exchanging tokens. The expected request body is:

type RequestBody = {
  fromId: string; // User ID transferring token
  toId: string; // Destination user ID
  tokenCode: string; // Asset code of token (must be issued by the toco issuing account)
  amount: number;

For example, this transfers 10 AwesomeToken units from the merchant (tKnyfpxd4JO2GIs-6RTt1) to another user (zfMb3Eq83dPqCpYvgVryA):


curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:3000/api/tokens/transfer' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "fromId": "tKnyfpxd4JO2GIs-6RTt1",
    "toId": "zfMb3Eq83dPqCpYvgVryA",
    "tokenCode": "AwesomeToken",
    "amount": 10


    "success": true

If we now get the details of the receiving user zfMb3Eq83dPqCpYvgVryA, we see that we have a balance of 10 for MyAwesomeToken:

    "data": {
        "id": "zfMb3Eq83dPqCpYvgVryA",
        "digitalBitsAccount": {
        "balances": [
                "balance": "10.0000000",
                "limit": "922337203685.4775807",
                "buying_liabilities": "0.0000000",
                "selling_liabilities": "0.0000000",
                "last_modified_ledger": 1925725,
                "is_authorized": true,
                "is_authorized_to_maintain_liabilities": true,
                "asset_type": "credit_alphanum12",
                "asset_code": "AwesomeToken",
                "asset_issuer": "GCL3PIK65NGMJC4YSR2HFL3EJDCZVQ7IAXTHIJGEIX3BMBQ4VN5X72JO"
                "balance": "9999.9999500",
                "buying_liabilities": "0.0000000",
                "selling_liabilities": "0.0000000",
                "asset_type": "native"


This service demonstrates a basic workflow for creating, sending, and managing tokens. This is the core asset logic of the Toco commerce ecosystem.