
Intercom API client library for .NET

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status


.NET bindings for the Intercom API

Add a dependency


Run the nuget command for installing the client as Install-Package Intercom.Dotnet.Client


Resources this API supports:

Each of these resources is represented through the dotnet client by a Class as ResourceClient.

E.g.: for users, you can use the UsersClient. For segments, you can use SegmentsClient.


You can set the Personal Access Token via creating an Authentication object by invoking the single paramter constructor:

UsersClient usersClient = new UsersClient(new Authentication("MyPersonalAccessToken"));

If you already have an access token you can find it here. If you want to create or learn more about access tokens then you can find more info here.

If you are building a third party application you will need to implement OAuth by following the steps for setting-up-oauth for Intercom.



// Create UsersClient instance
UsersClient usersClient = new UsersClient(new Authentication("AppId", "AppKey"));

// Create a user
User user = usersClient.Create(new User() { user_id = "my_id", name = "first last" });

// View a user (by id, user_id or email)
User user = usersClient.View("100300231");
User user = usersClient.View(new User() { email = "example@example.com" });
User user = usersClient.View(new User() { id = "100300231" });
User user = usersClient.View(new User() { user_id = "my_id" });

// List users and iterating through users, up to 10k records (for all records use the Scroll API)
Users users = usersClient.List();

foreach(User u in users.users)

// List users via Scroll API
Users users = usersClient.Scroll();
String scroll_param_value = users.scroll_param;
Users users = usersClient.Scroll(scroll_param_value);

// Update a user with a new company (with user assigned company_id)
User user = usersClient.Update(new User() {
                                email = "example@example.com",
                                companies = new List<Company>() {
                                        new Company() { company_id = "new_company" } } });

// Note that when adding a company plan you need to create it as an object
// (But its only the name of the plan that can be set)
Plan companyPlan = new Plan{
                name = "Stop_Avengers"};

User user_test = usersClient.Update(new User() {
                                email = "abrown@hydra.io",
                                companies = new List<Company>() {
                    			new Company() { company_id = "11", name = "Hydra", plan = companyPlan } }});

// Delete a user
usersClient.Delete("100300231"); // with intercom generated user's id
usersClient.Delete(new User() { email = "example@example.com" });
usersClient.Delete(new User() { user_id = "my_id" });

// Update User's LastSeenAt (multiple ways for updating)
User user = usersClient.UpdateLastSeenAt("100300231");
User user = usersClient.UpdateLastSeenAt(new User() { id = "100300231" });
User user = usersClient.UpdateLastSeenAt("100300231", 1462110718);
User user = usersClient.UpdateLastSeenAt(new User() { id = "100300231" }, 1462110718);

// Update user's custom attributes
Dictionary<string, object> customAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
customAttributes.Add("total", "100.00");
customAttributes.Add("account_level", "1");

User user = usersClient.View("100300231");
user.custom_attributes = customAttributes;

user = usersClient.Update(user);

// Increment User's Session
usersClient.IncrementUserSession(new User() { id = "100300231" });

// Removing User's companies
User user = usersClient.RemoveCompanyFromUser("100300231", new List<String>() { "true_company" });


// Create ContactsClient instance
ContactsClient contactsClient = new ContactsClient(new Authentication("AppId", "AppKey"));

// Create a contact
Contact contact = contactsClient.Create(new Contact() { });
Contact contact = contactsClient.Create(new Contact() { name = "lead_name" });

// View a contact (by id, or user_id)
Contact contact = contactsClient.View("100300231");
Contact contact = contactsClient.View(new Contact() { id = "100300231" });
Contact contact = contactsClient.View(new Contact() { user_id = "my_lead_id" });

// Update a contact (by id, or user_id)
Contact contact = contactsClient.Update(
                    new Contact()
                        email = "example@example",
                        companies = new List<Company>() { new Company() { company_id = "new_company" } }

// List contacts and iterating through contacts up to 10k records (for all records use the Scroll API)
Contacts contacts = contactsClient.List();

foreach (Contact c in contacts.contacts)

// List contacts via Scroll API
Contacts contacts = contactsClient.Scroll();
String scroll_param_value = contacts.scroll_param;
Contacts contacts = contactsClient.Scroll(scroll_param_value);

// Convert a contact to a User
// Note that if the user does not exist they will be created, otherwise they will be merged.
User user = contactsClient.Convert(contact, new User() { user_id = "120" });

// Delete a contact
contactsClient.Delete(new Contact() { id = "100300231" });
contactsClient.Delete(new Contact() { user_id = "my_id" });


// Create CompanyClient instance
CompanyClient companyClient = new CompanyClient(new Authentication("AppId", "AppKey"));

// Create a company
Company company = companyClient.Create(new Company());
Company company = companyClient.Create(new Company() { name = "company_name" });

// View a company (by id, or user_id)
Company company = companyClient.View("100300231");
Company company = companyClient.View(new Company() { id = "100300231" });
Company company = companyClient.View(new Company() { company_id = "my_company_id" });
Company company = companyClient.View(new Company() { name = "my_company_name" });

// Update a company (by id, or user_id)
Company company = companyClient.Update(
                    new Company()
                        company_id = "example@example",
                        monthly_spend = 100

// List companies and iterating through
Companies companies = companyClient.List();

// List companies via Scroll API
Companies companies = companyClient.Scroll();
String scrollParam = companies.scroll_param;
Companies companies = companyClient.Scroll(scrollParam);

foreach (Company c in companies.companies)

// List a Company's registered users
Users users = companyClient.ListUsers(new Company() { id = "100300231" });
Users users = companyClient.ListUsers(new Company() { company_id = "my_company_id" });


// Create AdminsClient instance
AdminsClient adminsClient = new AdminsClient(new Authentication("AppId", "AppKey"));

// View an admin (by id)
Admin admin = adminsClient.View("100300231");
Admin admin = adminsClient.View(new Admin() { id = "100300231" });

// List admins and iterating through
Admins admins = adminsClient.List();

foreach (Admin admin in admins.admins)


// Create SegmentsClient instance
SegmentsClient segmentsClient = new SegmentsClient(new Authentication("AppId", "AppKey"));

// View a segment (by id)
Segment segment = segmentsClient.View("100300231");
Segment segment = segmentsClient.View(new Segment() { id = "100300231" });

// List segments and iterating through
Segments segments = segmentsClient.List();

foreach (Segment segment in segments.segments)


// Create NotesClient instance
NotesClient notesClient = new NotesClient(new Authentication("AppId", "AppKey"));

// Create a note (by User, body and admin_id)
Note note = notesClient.Create(
    new Note() {
    author = new Author() { id = "100300231_admin_id" },
    user =  new User() { email = "example@example.com" },
    body = "this is a new note"

Note note = notesClient.Create(new User() { email = "example@example.com" }, "this is a new note", "100300231_admin_id");

// View a note
Note note = notesClient.View("2001");

// List User's notes
Notes notes = notesClient.List(new User() { id = "100300231"});

foreach (Note n in notes.notes)


// Create CountsClient instance
CountsClient countsClient = new CountsClient(new Authentication("AppId", "AppKey"));

// Get AppCount
AppCount appCount = countsClient.GetAppCount();

// Get ConversationAppCount
ConversationAppCount conversationAppCount = countsClient.GetConversationAppCount();

// Get ConversationAdminCount
ConversationAdminCount conversationAdminCount = countsClient.GetConversationAdminCount();

// Get CompanySegmentCount
CompanySegmentCount companySegmentCount = countsClient.GetCompanySegmentCount();

// Get CompanyTagCount
CompanyTagCount companyTagCount = countsClient.GetCompanyTagCount();

// Get CompanyUserCount
CompanyUserCount companyUserCount = countsClient.GetCompanyUserCount();

// Get UserSegmentCount
UserSegmentCount userSegmentCount = countsClient.GetUserSegmentCount();

// Get UserTagCount
UserTagCount userTagCount = countsClient.GetUserTagCount();


// Create TagsClient instance
TagsClient tagsClient = new TagsClient(new Authentication("AppId", "AppKey"));

// Create a tag
Tag tag = tagsClient.Create(new Tag() { name = "new_tag" });

// List tags and iterate through
Tags tags = tagsClient.List();

foreach(Tag t in tags.tags)

// Delete a tag
tagsClient.Delete(new Tag() { id = "100300231" });

// Tag User, Company or Contact (Lead)
tagsClient.Tag("new_tag", new List<Company>() { new Company(){ id = "1000_company_id" } });
tagsClient.Tag("new_tag", new List<Contact>() { new Contact(){ id = "1000_contact_id" } });
tagsClient.Tag("new_tag", new List<User>() { new User(){ id = "1000_user_id" } });
tagsClient.Tag("new_tag", new List<String>() {"1000_company_id" ,"1001_company_id" }, TagsClient.EntityType.Company);

// Untag User, Company or Contact (Lead)
tagsClient.Untag("new_tag", new List<Company>() { new Company(){ id = "1000_company_id" } });
tagsClient.Untag("new_tag", new List<Contact>() { new Company(){ id = "1000_contact_id" } });
tagsClient.Untag("new_tag", new List<User>() { new Company(){ id = "1000_user_id" } });
tagsClient.Untag("new_tag", new List<String>() {"1000_company_id" ,"1001_company_id" }, TagsClient.EntityType.Company);


// Create EventsClient instance
EventsClient eventsClient = new EventsClient(new Authentication("AppId", "AppKey"));

// Create an event
Event ev = eventsClient.Create(new Event() { user_id = "1000_user_id", email = "user_email@example.com", event_name = "new_event", created_at = 1462110718  });

// Create an event with Metadata (Simple, MonetaryAmounts and RichLinks)
Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
metadata.Add("simple", 100);
metadata.Add("simple_1", "two");
metadata.Add("money", new Metadata.MonetaryAmount(100, "eur"));
metadata.Add("richlink", new Metadata.RichLink("www.example.com", "value1"));

Event ev = eventsClient.Create(new Event() { user_id = "1000_user_id", email = "user_email@example.com", event_name = "new_event", created_at = 1462110718, metadata = metadata  });

// List events by user and iterate through
Events events = eventsClient.List(new User() { user_id = "my_id" });

foreach(Event ev in events.event)


// Create ConversationsClient instance
ConversationsClient conversationsClient = new ConversationsClient(new Authentication("AppId", "AppKey"));

// View any type of conversation
conversationsClient.View("100300231", displayAsPlainText: true);

// Create AdminConversationsClient instance
AdminConversationsClient adminConversationsClient = new AdminConversationsClient(new Authentication("AppId", "AppKey"));

// Create Admin initiated Conversation
AdminConversationMessage admin_message =
    adminConversationsClient.Create(new AdminConversationMessage(
            from: new AdminConversationMessage.From("1000_admin_id"),
            to: new AdminConversationMessage.To(id: "1000_user_id"),
            message_type: AdminConversationMessage.MessageType.EMAIL,
            template: AdminConversationMessage.MessageTemplate.PERSONAL,
            subject: "this is a subject",
            body: "this is an email body"));

// Create Admin initiated Conversation's reply
AdminConversationReply admin_reply =
        new AdminConversationReply(
            conversationId: "1000_conversation_id",
            adminId: "1000_admin_id",
            messageType: AdminConversationReply.ReplyMessageType.COMMENT,
            body: "this is a reply body"));

// Create UserConversationsClient instance
UserConversationsClient userConversationsClient = new UserConversationsClient(new Authentication("AppId", "AppKey"));

// Create User initiated Conversation
UserConversationMessage user_message =
        new UserConversationMessage(
            from: new UserConversationMessage.From(id: "1000_user_id"),
            body: "this is a user's message body"));

// Create User initiated Conversation's reply
UserConversationReply user_reply =
        new UserConversationReply(
            conversationId: "1000_conversation_id",
            body: "this is a user's reply body",
            attachementUrls: new List<String>() { "www.example.com/example.png", "www.example.com/example.txt" }));


Not supported.

Bulk APIs

Not supported.



To be written.


To be written.


  • Functions Comments (for IntelliSense support)
  • Support Pagination
  • Support Bulk Apis
  • Support Webhooks
  • Support Async
  • More Integration tests
  • Remove RestSharp dependency