
Primary LanguagePython


Solver for a word puzzle. The puzzle is to find a path from one word to another only changing 1 letter at a time and always passing through real words.

For example, the path from short -> bread is:

short shoot shook shock chock crock croak creak break bread


$ python shortbread.py short bread
path is ['short', 'shoot', 'shook', 'shock', 'chock', 'crock', 'croak', 'creak', 'break', 'bread']
$ python shortbread.py -h
Usage: shortbread.py [options] short bread

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LETTERS, --letters=LETTERS
                        valid letters - default is abcdef...xyz
  -d                    use depth first search
  -p, --precache        precache adjacent words graph
  -b                    use breadth first search. This is the default


It works by searching from both the start and end word until a common word is found.