The Parse PHP SDK gives you access to the powerful Parse cloud platform from your PHP app or script.
Get Composer, the PHP package manager. Then create a composer.json file in your projects root folder, containing:
"require": {
"parse/php-sdk" : "1.0.*"
Run "composer install" to download the SDK and set up the autoloader, and then require it from your PHP script:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
If you don't want to use Composer, you can include the autoload.php
file in your code to automatically load the Parse SDK classes.
require 'autoload.php';
After including the required files from the SDK, you need to initalize the ParseClient using your Parse API keys:
ParseClient::initialize( $app_id, $rest_key, $master_key );
Check out the Parse PHP Guide for the full documentation.
Add the "use" declarations where you'll be using the classes. For all of the sample code in this file:
use Parse\ParseObject;
use Parse\ParseQuery;
use Parse\ParseACL;
use Parse\ParsePush;
use Parse\ParseUser;
use Parse\ParseInstallation;
use Parse\ParseException;
use Parse\ParseAnalytics;
use Parse\ParseFile;
use Parse\ParseCloud;
$object = ParseObject::create("TestObject");
$objectId = $object->getObjectId();
$php = $object->get("elephant");
// Set values:
$object->set("elephant", "php");
$object->set("today", new DateTime());
$object->setArray("mylist", [1, 2, 3]);
"languageTypes", array("php" => "awesome", "ruby" => "wtf")
// Save:
// Signup
$user = new ParseUser();
try {
} catch (ParseException $ex) {
// error in $ex->getMessage();
// Login
try {
$user = ParseUser::logIn("foo", "Q2w#4!o)df");
} catch(ParseException $ex) {
// error in $ex->getMessage();
// Current user
$user = ParseUser::getCurrentUser();
// Access only by the ParseUser in $user
$userACL = ParseACL::createACLWithUser($user);
// Access only by master key
$restrictedACL = new ParseACL();
// Set individual access rights
$acl = new ParseACL();
$acl->setUserWriteAccess($user, true);
$acl->setRoleWriteAccessWithName("PHPFans", true);
$query = new ParseQuery("TestObject");
// Get a specific object:
$object = $query->get("anObjectId");
$query->limit(10); // default 100, max 1000
// All results:
$results = $query->find();
// Just the first result:
$first = $query->first();
// Process ALL (without limit) results with "each".
// Will throw if sort, skip, or limit is used.
$query->each(function($obj) {
echo $obj->getObjectId();
Cloud Functions:
$results = ParseCloud::run("aCloudFunction", array("from" => "php"));
PFAnalytics::trackEvent("logoReaction", array(
"saw" => "elephant",
"said" => "cute"
// Get from a Parse Object:
$file = $aParseObject->get("aFileColumn");
$name = $file->getName();
$url = $file->getURL();
// Download the contents:
$contents = $file->getData();
// Upload from a local file:
$file = ParseFile::createFromFile(
"/tmp/", "Parse.txt", "text/plain"
// Upload from variable contents (string, binary)
$file = ParseFile::createFromData($contents, "Parse.txt", "text/plain");
$data = array("alert" => "Hi!");
// Push to Channels
"channels" => ["PHPFans"],
"data" => $data
// Push to Query
$query = ParseInstallation::query();
$query->equalTo("design", "rad");
"where" => $query,
"data" => $data
See the file for information on testing and contributing to the Parse PHP SDK. We welcome fixes and enhancements.