
Ansible playbook to build multi-node Apache Mesos clusters.

MIT LicenseMIT


Ansible playbook to build multi-node Apache Mesos clusters.

Cluster Configuration

Before you run the playbook you will need to modify the variables in in group_vars/all.

  • mesos_pkg_version is the Debian package published by Mesosphere.
  • marathon_pkg_version is the Debian package published by Mesosphere.
  • marathon_install_type determines whether you install marathon from source or the Mesosphere package.
  • mesos_cluster_name is arbitrary when testing but you can change to match your naming conventions.
# Select the Mesos package version install:
mesos_pkg_version: 0.20.0-1.0.ubuntu1404

# Choose whether to install Marathon using a Mesosphere package or from GitHub source
marathon_install_type: "package" # valid options are "package" or "source"
marathon_pkg_version: 0.6.1-1.1 # if install type is "package" which version to use

mesos_local_address: "{{ansible_eth0.ipv4.address}}"
mesos_cluster_name: "Cluster01"
zookeeper_client_port: "2181"
zookeeper_url: "zk://{{ groups.zookeepers | join(':' + zookeeper_client_port + ',') }}:{{ zookeeper_client_port }}/mesos"