A neat Bash script to build and install Enlightenment 25 on Ubuntu
Please take a look at the comments in the script before running it
See also meetse.sh (companion script).
This script is deprecated, please go check out elluminate.sh
Before you start using esteem, you'll need to install Git on your system.
Open a terminal window and type in the following:
sudo apt install git
Next, clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/batden/esteem.git .esteem
This creates a new hidden folder named .esteem in your home directory.
Please copy the file esteem.sh from this new folder to the download folder.
Now change to the download folder and make the script executable:
chmod +x esteem.sh
Then issue the following command:
On subsequent runs, open a terminal and simply type:
(Use tab completion: Just type est and press Tab.)
Be sure to check for updates at least once a week. In order to do this, change to ~/.esteem/ and run:
git pull
That's it.
Mind the cows! 🐄 🐄 🐄