
Incremental Dumps of MySQL databases

Primary LanguagePerl 6


Incremental Dumps of MySQL databases


This tool performs mysql dumps from a source to a destination database. It does incremental dumps, so if the process stops it will continue from where it stopped.

Example usages can be:

  • Transfer data between databases
  • Migrate tables to a new host
  • Periodic dump of information


mysql_rsync.pl [--help] [--verbose] [--mysqldump=/usr/bin/mysqldump] [--src-host=localhost] --src-db=DB [--src-user=username] [--src-pass=pass] [--dst-host=HOST] [--dst-db=DB] [--dst-user=username] [--dst-pass=pass] [table1 ... tablen]


It requires perl and some modules, it should run fine on any platform.

  • Run::IPC
  • DBI

Debian based dists

Perl should be in your linux distro, you can install the requirements doing:

# apt-get install libdbi-perl librun-ipc-perl

Known Bugs and issues

  • Changes in table definitions will be missed
  • It requires an integer primary key in each table that needs to be rsynced


GPL v2 (c) 2015 Francesc Guasch Ortiz frankie@telecos.upc.edu