
Simple 3D Python graphics library for beginners and school children running on the Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguagePython

Pi3D ReadMe

Version 0.02 - 06Jul2012

Pi3D written by Tim Skillman, Copyright (c) 2012
EGG file loader (LoaderEgg.py) written by Paddy Gaunt, Copyright (c) 2012


There's plenty of 3D code flying around at the moment for the Raspberry Pi, but much of it is rather complicated to understand and most of it can sit under the bonnet!

pi3d is a Python module that aims to greatly simplify writing 3D in Python whilst giving access to the power of the Raspberry Pi GPU.  It enables both 3D and 2D rendering and aims to provide a host of exciting commands to load in textured/animated models, create fractal landscapes, shaders and much more.

This is the second release of the pi3d module which has various demo's of built-in shapes, landscapes, model loading, walk-about camera and much more!  See the demos included with this code and experiment with them ..

  ForestWalk.py     Walk about a forest on a landscape
  Triceratops.py    Large model loading
  BuckfastAbbey.py	A walk-about model
  LoadModel.py		The famous Utah teapot!
  Earth.py			Some shapes generated with Pi3D and a text demo
  BouncingBalls.py	2D rendering with a title bar
  Raspberry_Rain	Rendering onto the desktop
  Clouds3D.py		Blended sprites in perspective view

Other files and folders:

  pi3d.py           The main pi3d module
  include			Contains pi3d support files: gl.py, glext.py, egl.py, gl2.py, gl2ext.py, pi3dcommon.py, loaderEgg.py
  textures			Various textures to play with
  models			Some demo egg models
  fonts				Bitmap fonts that can be using for drawing text

IMPORTANT: Please install the Python Imaging Library as this is used to load textures.
           To install on the terminal, type:  sudo apt-get install python-imaging


A short 'manual' on using pi3d can be found on this github.  Please note that Pi3D functions may change significantly during it's development.

Bug reports, comments, feature requests and fixes are most welcome!  Please email on timskillman@gmail.com or contact me through the Raspberry Pi forums.


Pi3D started with code based on Peter de Rivaz 'pyopengles' (https://github.com/peterderivaz/pyopengles) with some tweaking from Jon Macey's code (jonmacey.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/).  
The Panda3D loaderEgg.py module is written by Paddy Gaunt (Copyright (c) 2012)
Many Thanks!