Soft skin library for godot engine.
First prototype demo (openframeworks):
- - origin
- - mirror
- - hg legacy repo, OF version
Integration in godot is becoming stable:
- Skin object can be linked to a server to manage them by group
- A custom notification system enables reparenting of servers and skins once placed in the scene tree
- Ray projection are working well
Still to be done:
- importation of uvs (mandatory!)
- collisions with solid parallelipipeds
- creation of fibers group:
- requires an addon in blender
- adaptation of the export format
- specific methods to interacts with groups
- breakeable fibers
- splittable skins, along seams
after serveral hours of engine hell:
- investigate CSG module > Immediate geometries have no shadows and Mesh can not be updated...
- transform Skin object into Geometries manager -> enabling several meshes (debug views, wireframe + tri mesh)
- NOPE -
main object should inherits GeometryInstance instead of ImmediateGeometry with a fixed memory allocation - data managed by SkinDot especially should be pointers on arrays of floats, in a glBufferData for instance (if working) -> saving process and memory - using glBufferData for better performance
- glBufferData for Opengl ES3:
- maybe switch a part of the process to C, no real need of c++ here, if std vector3 methods like distance and normalized are easy to implement efficiently