
Foundation's ZURB stack including Twig and Vue.js

Primary LanguageCSS

Foundation's ZURB stack including Twig (Twig.js) template engine and Vue.js progressive JS framework

This is a fork of the official ZURB Template for use with Foundation for Sites. People from ZURB use the intitial template to deliver static code to their clients. This fork has a Gulp-powered build system with these features:

  • Defined coding styles using .editorconfig file
  • Handlebars HTML templates with Panini replaced with:
    • Twig (Twig.js) template engine
    • Vue.js progressive JS framework
  • Sass compilation and prefixing
  • JavaScript module bundling with webpack
  • Built-in BrowserSync server
  • For production builds:
    • CSS compression
    • JavaScript compression
    • Image compression


To use this template, your computer needs:

To manually set up the template, first download it with Git:

git clone https://github.com/franklang/foundation-zurb-template

Then open the folder in your command line, and install the needed dependencies:

cd projectname
npm install


Finally, run npm start to run Gulp. Your finished site will be created in a folder called dist, viewable at this URL:


To create compressed, production-ready assets, run npm run build.

Further documentation

TODO's list