

This problem is about how walking in a matrix, where the Jack can init in any position of the matrix and he will walking per it for the houses with the bigger element, and for that it´s necessary to make different checks in the positions of the matrix, checks in right or down or in the diagon ally or back one position, and after go to the position that have the bi gger element between the five options, this is a greedy algorithm.

Greedy Algorithm

The Greedy Aligorithm is method for solver problems that involves make a good selection option locally and wanting to have a great global selection. For example, in the intetion of finding the shortest path between two points on a matrix, the greedy algorithm would choose the neighboring house with the shortest distance at each step until the destination is reached. He can used when you need check the best possible in each iteration. Here the method is used to select the bigger number between five options in each stage and sum the chosen element and record in the variable Bigger.

The walking in a Matrix

This project uses walking in a matrix to arrive at the last position of any matrix and sum the elements per where pass, because is necessary to sum all bigger numbers and show the result at the finish of the walking. this implementation occurred whit a "while" that has like stop a variable that does not change while Jack didn't arrive at the last position of the matrix,and when "while" is performed in five initial checks, performed with five ternary operators, which is another way of using "if" and "else", but what happened when you got into this function? what happened is access to the addresses in the houses around the current house and check if the variable is greater than when executing the first iteration in the function "SearchingTheBiggerElement", in the next step that the verification of this variable returns to zero and recalculates again, because in the next verification the last result can make a difference in the search for the largest number, since the Largest variable can have a value greater than the last case, which can change the actual result of the current case.


Here you will see the program and your execution, that is divide in three visual stages, they are:

OBS: If you wanna see this stages in pratice, you skip for part of the readme that tell about the compilation this project and understand the compilation way, and after you need return for here.

  • Extract of informations and Filling in the data file
  • Information Processing
  • Results

Extract of informations and Filling in the data file

Before the extract happened one insertion, where the first comand is open and write the file data that not have the matrix for walking, in this moment the function "SetMatrixSize" and function "SaveMatrix" are called and insert in the file the size and the elements of the matrix, the location where this function be is the lines 26 at 32.

Insert elements in the matrix:

This insertion happend with use the function "GeneretaMatrixValues", this function filling in the matrix of the struct Matrix with random values with the used the function "rand()" of the C programming lenguage with values between 0-99, this interval was selected because it´s not good have the big values for sum.

The extract of informations is the second thing that is execute and happend when you start the program, for this you write make in terminal and after you write make run for execute the program, and extraction information will be collected.

Information Processing

Later the compiler opens the data file again and reads all matrixs wrote in this file, and this may seem repetitive and wrong, but not, because at the time of writing the matrix in the data file only one matrix that is in the program in the file "matriz.h" is ​​used for write of all matrix elements of all matrixs wrote file, and is added more of one matrix into file, and the matrix of the program will be with the last matrix generated into the program and engraved the file. When the file is open the program read all matrixs and write it to a vector, that will use for filling in matrix in other moment. And this happened between lines 34 to 77 in the "matriz.c" file. In short, at this moment three things happened:

  • Recovery the size of matrix
  • Alocation the vector
  • Filling in the vector
  • Recovery the size matrix:

The recovery of the matrix size occurs through a data file, opened for the reading of the first line, and stop reading with a break, because the first line does not fill the vector, and fills only the Row and Column variables.

  • Alocation the vector:

The vector is allocated with the use of the variable Row, the matrix of the program ever is square, so was possible to use the pow function of the library math to have the total number of elements, and use the malloc function to accomplish the allocation.

  • Filling in the vector:

"fscanf" was used to fill the vector, and after that the vector is used to fill the matrix when requested by the user.

After this the compiler into the "while" where the filling in the matrix and the walking happened. When the compiler is in the "while" where the change and walking happen you will see the question: "You want to start walking in the matrix in the row?" and the question: "You want to initiate the walking in the matrix in the column?".This is happen after filling in the matrix, where a counter will forward for access the houses of vector and attributions to the matrix, what happened is that at each stage this the function is open the counter where start other matrices, and this way ever access this function the matrix will fill in with new numbers, and this function be in between lines 55 at 67in the file "matriz.c".

Later the two questions for start, the function "SearchingTheBiggerElement" is called and start the walking per matrix. In this moment we have three procedure happening:

  • Receiving parameters
  • Analysis the neighbors
  • Change the position of the Jack and Sum of selected elements

  • Receiving parameters:

The parameters are: one variable of the type Matrix struct, start row and start column, and the last parameter is a variable that record the sum of the big numbers along the way of the Jack. Watch in the file "matriz.c" in the lines 85 at 99 inside the function "SearchingTheBiggerElement" that four variables was added in the function and two variables received the start row and start colunm, because is necessary change the variable in each iteration, and the two first operation are performed because for the start position have means in the finish procedure

  • Analysis the neighbors:

Later the compiler into in the "while" that start the search in the matrix, you can see in the lines 105 at 109, whatch that first is necessary to analyze if is possible performed the check, because if the position not exist, an error will, that IDE will notify like "segmentation fault", if the check will true, start a checking the values of the neighbors positions in around the current position, they are: main diagonal of down, second diagonal of down, the right, the left and the down. when meet the Bigger between five options, it´s save in the variable Bigger, and whit this go to second stage of checks where the decision of walking is made, but if the options will is equals in all directions?, In this case the Jack will walking for the position that will possible walking for she.

You can see that in this situation all options are equais, and the algorithm decision go to the positon that can first possible walking per she right, will depend of situation, per example in this case analysis the code the Jack walking for second diagonal of down, because in the moment that search in the neighbors what is the Bigger element found the last check is in the second diagonal of down, the Bigger is equal in all derections soon the last check will executed.

  • Change the position of the Jack and Sum of selected elements:

After meet the Bigger element in the current stage, the Jack walking the position where this element be, that occurs in the lines 112 at 116 of the file "matriz.c", Watch in this file that change and sum the value that have the current position after the Jack change your position, look this:

What happend if this check will true, the Row is sum with one, and the sum variable is added of itself the before value, and this way the Jack walking per the matrix.


For you see the way like this algorithm works, here have a example of input and output, look:

Input(data file and two start questions):


occurred the expected! Jack was walking per positions of the matrix that haved the bigger element, and sumed the components, and with this Jack arrive at the last element of the matrix, that was the goal.


This project use the Make file for compiler all files that have function for operation in the all executions for walking in the matrix and sum the elements, these are the pictures for you to understand how compiler and know how this project works that are divide in three parts,look:

  • Compilation
  • Execution
  • Clean executable

The first comand compile the code and used the comand with "gcc", this is happend because the Make file is just a list of comands that required when their comands are write in the terminal, this means that you can open the make file catch the comand wrote and put in terminal and click enter that will happend the compile and execute and remove the executable. Each comand will do a action,the make compiler, and make run execute the executable that was generated when the comand make wrote in terminal, and the make clean clean the executable the files of the project, they are:

When write the make comand:

Before the comand make:

After the comand make: